Chapter 38

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I gave Matteo as much time as I thought he needed, maybe something else was bothering him, but that didn't mean I didn't check up on him in the last three days I've given him space.
I may or may not have texted him once or twice to check up on him.

But now I was finally done, I was done playing sidelines, I was currently making my way through the club, which was quite empty this time of the day, in hopes that I'd find Matteo here, and he'd be less grumpy, hopefully.

I made my way to the back, asking myself just how sloppy Spade's men were because no one seemed to notice or stop me, for someone so feared, I was hoping security would be tight around here.

I just hope Matteo would open up to me, well not exactly open up, but I didn't like him being grumpy and angry like that, I was used to him being frustrated about my closeness to him, that way I understood his feelings towards me and I knew how to act around him, but now I just don't know.

I made my way to the first corridor, already getting lost even before starting any form of search, I hope I find him before I actually get lost, and just like that, I saw him step out of an office, with a brown folder with him, his eyes darted to mine and I saw the way they raged with fire, the blue had gone soulless, and even more scary than I'd ever seen it, his jaws clenched hard

I smiled, at that moment I smiled because that was the only thing I could think of, and plus smiling came easy with being around Matteo, no matter how sour his mood was, I couldn't find it in me to be sad or angry about it

As I made my way towards him, I heard a low growl erupt from his throat "you have got to be kidding me" he muttered, obviously not liking my presence, but at least he didn't sound as murderous as he sounded a few days ago at his place.

"Something tells me you're not exactly happy to see me" I told him as I still kept my smile on while his scowl only deepened as he turned around, completely ignoring me and walking the other way.

I frowned as I watched his back, before I snapped out of it and followed behind him, even though I know he doesn't want me following him, I don't really care much, one way or another I was going to talk to him about what happened in Italy, even though I know he's been avoiding talking about it for some reason.

"You know I came by your place a few days ago" I started, hoping he'd say something to show he remembered seeing me there, and the fact that I cleaned up after him, but instead he just ignored me again as he rounded a corner

He didn't seem frustrated, no, not like he usually would be, instead I could feel the anger oozing off him and it was making me uneasy.
I felt the pure rage from him, and I didn't like that it was kind of directed towards me.

"What's that you got there"? I asked pointing to the brown folder with him, but instead of an answer like I expected, he just ignored me again, this time I clenched my jaw, because I knew what he was doing, he was ignoring me.

I don't have a problem if he doesn't want to talk about what happened in Italy, actually I may not be completely okay with it, but what's worse than ignoring that, is completely ignoring my own very existence.

He opened the door to a room and stepped inside, almost slamming the door on my face, but I was quick to slip myself inside too, the room wasn't an office like I'd hoped, but it had computers lining a desk, and a chair in front of the desk, the computers all had different videos playing on their screen, the room was kind of very dark, save for the lights emanating from the screen of the computers, so this was the security room.

I heard a loud thud and when I looked, it was Matteo dropping the brown foldrr with him on the desk, while he sat himself on the chair, completely ignoring my presence.
I sighed out, narrowing my eyes at him, I didn't like this, silent Matteo, something was definitely not right.

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