Chapter 22

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I had left my apartment and drove over to Hewitt's place, I still had to explain things to him and probably apologise for the way Matteo had acted earlier.
That little prick wanted to embarrass me, perhaps to get me angry, as if that would work.

If anything, he was actually making this more fun for me, more interesting and challenging.
I stopped in front of Hewitt's apartment building, I got out of the car and headed Inside, taking the elevator and going up to his floor.

I honestly didn't know what I was going to say to him if he actually gave me a chance to talk, asides apologising, i don't think I was ready to come out to him just yet, but he'll want an explanation as to why Matteo was being an arrogant prick earlier on.

I walked out of the elevator after I heard the loud ding sound, making my way towards his apartment door, I stopped in front of it and rang the doorbell, shoving my hands into my pocket.

Hewitt is someone that I respect so much and he's kind of the only friend I have that understands me so well, he has never for once judged me or question some choices I make.

He has always stood by my side without any doubt and I trust him a whole fucking lot.
But it's still kind of hard to open up to him about this part of my life.

Luke was more or less like Hewitt and look how it turned out when he found out that I was gay, I'm afraid of the same thing happening with Hewitt, I'm never going to get over it if I lose another friendship because of my sexuality.

And it's not that I hate myself for being gay, that's not something I really had a choice about, and I would not change anything if I did have a choice.
I just wish I had someone, anyone who wouldn't judge me for that, who would trust me and see me the same, because I'm still the same person, gay or not.

The door swung open, pulling me out of my thoughts, Hewitt standing on the other side, he had on sweatpants and basically bare chest, his tattoos covering most of his already dark skin.

Hewitt isn't as tall as me, maybe same height as Matteo, but not his muscles, he had them in every corner of his body, let's just say he had the body of an athlete, and I'm not saying this metaphorically, I mean literally, he looked like one of those basketball athletes, or boxing, I don't know.

"Hi" I whispered, he looked at me from head to toe, without saying anything, he just stepped aside for me to walk in, which I did, before he shut the door.

His apartment is a lot different than mine, not as big and definitely not as luxurious, not that Hewitt didn't have the money to own a luxurious apartment, he preferred to own assets, he always said owning luxurious apartments were a waste of time, because all he ever did at his apartment, was fuck and sleep, crazy motherfucker

He faced me, his face blank and bored, it was really hard to determine what was going through his mind when he was like this, I sighed out, okay now I was out of ideas, what the hell should I say?

"Uh...." I paused looking around the living room, that had almost nothing in it, except for the table in the middle of the living room, a fish tank on it, his flat screen TV and a single couch.

"Do you want a drink"? He asked, almost as if he could sense how utterly confused and speechless I was at the moment

I sighed out in relief "absolutely" I muttered and he nodded before he walked to the kitchen, his kitchen was kind of small, a marbled counter in the middle, separating it from the living room, with a chair there.

I watched him pull out two glasses from the cupboard and then he opened the fridge and brought out a bottle of whiskey, who puts whiskey in the fridge if not Hewitt, I smiled and shook my head.

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