Chapter 25

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"So basically you're saying you're going to the auction"? Hewitt asked and I just hummed, resting on the couch while he sat beside me "the auction, like the most talked about auction in basically the whole underworld"? He asked and I popped a cookie into my mouth.

"Yep" I popped the p loudly and I heard him whistle out

"And you're going with Matteo"? He asked and I looked at him pointedly

"I'm pretty sure I just said that after I got off the phone" I deadpanned

"Remind me again why you're going with him"? He asked and I groaned out and rolled my eyes at him

"We came to a compromise of some sort, he agreed to take me with him, on the condition that I stopped dragging him with me wherever I go" I explained "and plus I want to spend time with him" I muttered out, seeing the way Hewitt's gaze on me soften for a while, as if he understood what I was feeling.

"You know at some point you're gonna have to tell him how you feel" he muttered softly and I just nodded, I know I would have to come clean to Matteo about how I feel about him, but it's not easy.

I've tried, more than once since I started forcing him to hang out with me, but I chickened out last minute, every single time I tried, I'm afraid he might reject me, and another thing that had suddenly started making me even more skeptical about telling him was the fact that he was blatantly flirting with my secretary two days ago, and the comment he made about her being a screamer, I swear I was a second away from firing her, but I knew it wasn't her fault because she didn't ask him to flirt with her.

But I was so fucking angry, and then I made that stupid deal with him, now it felt like my time with him was limited, because I'd have to stop bugging him after we get back from the auction, after all he already called that I should get ready, that we were supposed to leave today.

When I made that deal with him, I was hoping he wouldn't be able to meet up, and then I'll have more reasons to be with him, but now he had come through and I had to follow through till the end.

"Do you think he'll reject me"? I blurted out, and I saw the way Hewitt frowned, I was being completely vulnerable in front of him, but right now I didn't really care, I know he wouldn't judge, infact I'm not even bothered

"I don't know Stef, I don't really know him, and our last encounter didn't exactly pave way for friendship between us, but I just think you should really let him know how you feel, if you don't, you'll never know how he feels about you" he explained, he was making a lot of sense for someone who only ever talks about sex and weed.

I sighed out and still remained seated, even though I know I had just about thirty minutes left before Matteo came to pick me up, apparently I'm riding with him on Spade's private jet, I'm not half as excited as I thought I'd be traveling with Matteo.

"Aren't you gonna go pack a suit or something"? He asked and I just shook my head without looking at him

"I don't think I'm going to need one, I'm not planning on staying there longer than necessary, infact I don't...." I paused, struggling with the words, but I think Hewitt already knew what I had in mind.

"You're not exactly keen on going back to italy are you"? He asked and I just let out a deep breath and nodded "is it because of your father"? He asked, I didn't need to answer that because he already knew what my answer would be
"You know it's been years" he muttered, I just pinched the bridge of my nose, not because I was frustrated but because I didn't really like talking about my father, especially when it involves why I left home.

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