Chapter 30

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I could hear the MC's voice from where I stood outside the bright and shiny building, the outside was filled with different beautiful and expensive cars, maybe I might add a few cars to my collection when I get home, but first I had to get through tonight.

I let in a deep breath and then let it out again, squeezing my sweaty palms together, you can do this Stefano, what could go wrong.
I pushed the door, stepping inside the lobby, there was a guy standing in front of the door that probably led inside the main hall, I was thinking he'd stop me, but I think Matteo already gave them instructions about me, because he just pushed open the door for me and I walked in, shoving my hands into my pocket.

My eyes raked through the whole room and I suddenly felt fucking nervous and I am totally freaking out, even though it's an invite only party, it was filled to the brim, all the chair had been occupied.

I frowned when I noticed everyone was putting on masks, was I supposed to put on a mask too?
Well Matteo didn't tell me that, I guess it has something to do with confidentiality that Matteo mentioned about the auction.

My eyes moved again and landed on Matteo, he had his jaws clenched and had a hard stare on me, great, now he's going to think I didn't put on a mask to spite him, but I genuinely didn't know I had to put one on, or maybe he's just angry because of how I acted last night, freaking out and leaving him in the lobby, with basically no explanation as to why I was like that, even though I had practically dragged him out with me.

Okay, I just hope tonight doesn't end up in me dead in a ditch, because with how hard Matteo was glaring at me, I wouldn't be surprised if he decides to kill me right now.

I decided to move away from the entrance as I made my way towards where Matteo was seated, I couldn't help as my eyes raked through his form, I totally forgot yesterday to ask if he already had a suit for the event, but looking at him, I guess he already covered that.

He had on a white Tux, unlike mine, even his pants was white, I swallowed when I felt my hands twitch inside my pocket, he looked hot, and I think that heat was radiating to my body right now, because I was suddenly feeling very hot too, holy shit

I stopped in front of his table, and only now was I able to see his blue, cold, steel beautiful eyes, although they looked very angry at me, but they were still beautiful nonetheless.
He hadn't said anything, and I was getting a bit weary about his glare.
"What"? I asked, causing his glare to only hardened, did I do something wrong, asides the fact that I freaked out yesterday and left him at the hotel lobby.

"Where the fuck is your mask"? He gritted out, oh it's that.
I quickly looked around, noticing we were the only two without mask, I sighed out.

"I didn't think I needed to wear one, besides you're not wearing one" I muttered, the last part wasn't necessary, because I know he didn't need to wear one, he's the fucking host, but I just wanted to be a smart ass

I saw his hands twitch on the table, maybe he'd punch me, who knows.
"I'm not wearing one, because we own the fucking thing, you're here as a guest, my guest, it's obligatory you wear one" he snapped, causing me to scrunch my nose up.

Well it's not my fault no one told me that, I smacked my lips together, not knowing what to say because it would seem the Matteo that I hung out with last night is long gone, and if I as much as annoy this one in front of me, he's definitely going to kill me.

He looked away from me, as if dismissing me, I took that as my cue to sit down, I sat facing him, placing my hands on the table.
My nose twitched at the scent of his cologne, lavender and pines, I wonder how he's able to combine something like that and still get such a perfect scent out of it, I let out a discreet sigh, as my focus was now solely on him.

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