Chapter 18

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"....once these drafts are done, then the auction is set, and security is already in place, it's going to be really tight that night, I don't want anything fucking it up for us" I muttered out, my eyes resting on Bernie who nodded, we were both standing in front Spade's table, while he sat in his chair, with his chin in hand, his eyes was on the draft in front of him, but I could tell he wasn't even concentrating on it.
"Can you reprint this for me, it's the guest list and the invitation, it's supposed to have been sent out a week ago" I said handing Bernie a manilla folder, he took it and walked out of the office.

I sighed out and plopped myself on the chair in front of Spade, he still looked very much into it, he didn't even notice Bernie had left, or I was sitting down
"Spade" I called out, hoping to snap him out, but he was way deep inside
"Gio" I repeated tapping my finger on the table, this jolted him as his eyes rested on me.

"Uhm... Did you say something"? He asked and I just sighed out, narrowing my eyes at him

"No, not really, you seem distracted, what's wrong"? I asked and he just shook his head, leaning his back on the chair

"Nothing, I'm just.... I'm just really stressed out that's all" he muttered, I cocked my brows at him, I wasn't buying that shit, I noticed he's been distracted lately, more than usual and something tells me it has something to do with Nate, I just don't know what exactly.

"Do you want to talk about it"? I asked and he just shook his head
"Is it about the auction"? He shook his head again, I decided to press further "is this about mystery man? I told you we'll get him, don't let it bother you" i told him, he just nodded

"It's not bothering me okay, I know we'll get him, I told you I'm just stressed that's all" he muttered.
I could tell he didn't want to talk about it, when it came to feelings, Spade always found it hard to talk about them and let go.

I'm not exactly opposed to the idea of not showing emotions, but it's not my style, although I have a few out of control emotions that I don't like talking about, but I'm sure if I were Spade, and I like Nate as much as Spade does right now, I don't think I would have been able to bottle it in as he is doing.

Hell I can't even bottle negative emotions, like the dislike I have for Stefano, now I just reminded myself that I had someone as annoying as him that I had to worry about, although since the Liam shooting, I hadn't seen him, but the fucker has called, I have no idea how he got hold of my number.

And guess what he called to say, yes he called to remind me to put his name on the guest list for the auction, and he also almost talked my ear down while at it.

He didn't forget to taunt me about not telling Spade, I don't know how he knew that but he hasn't wasted a second in reminding me how shitty a person I am for not telling Spade.

Of course I have plans of telling Spade, I wouldn't just decide to sneak Stefano into his auction without his permission, if anything went wrong, he'd definitely hold me accountable for it, but everytime I want to tell him, something else comes up.

It's always either he's having Nate problem, or we're having mystery man problem
"I'll go down to the warehouse and check on Lucas, then I'll head home" I told him, he just hummed, making me give him one long look before I got up and walked out of the office, and out of the club, which surprisingly wasn't busy tonight, just a few usuals.

I entered into my car and zoomed off to the warehouse, it was kind of farther from Lust, not like it was out of town or something, but it was in the heart of the city, and kind of close to my place, my place was like the center of both locations, between Lust and the warehouse.

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