Chapter 14

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I heard the glass shatter before I felt the impact, with my hands covering my face, at least if I got wounded and my face was spared from the brunt of it, I was okay with that.
I was waiting for him to grab me and haul me against the wall, but nothing came, instead I heard retreating footsteps, I peeked from my covered face and I watched him walk away, untill he opened and closed the door with a heavy slam, causing me to flinch.

He had finally left, I sighed out as I looked around me on the floor, broken glass, I didn't know if it would be a good idea to use the ground as a support to get up, because I could very well get shards of glass into my hand and injure myself

I just sat there, looking at myself, this had been going on for the past two weeks, since Gio left, well he didn't leave, our father made him, well he framed him.

Even though Gio was a still a kid, only a teenager, I don't know how our dad was able to get him to go to prison, as small as I was, even I knew that shouldn't be legally impossible, but our father kind of made it possible.

Now I was left alone in the house with him, and I had to face his brunt alone, ever since he sent Gio away, he always took his anger out on me, especially when he was drunk, I ended up with bruises all over my body and he always repeated the same thing every time, that it was my fault, that everything that had happened was my fault.

Gio going to prison, our mother dying and his sudden alcoholic trait, everything was my fault, and I never bothered correcting him, because maybe he was right and it was all my fault.

I was still very little when he had changed, so I didn't really remember what he was like before, but Gio had taken it upon himself to give me a detailed explanation of what our father was like before he changed.

But now he was blaming it all on me, and I think he was right.
He had changed my school, right after he sent Gio away, he changed my school, and now not only did I have to deal with his constant beatings and talking down on me, I also had to deal with the fact that I was the weird new kid at school.

I'm surprised no one has taken it upon themselves to bully me yet, I was kind of really small structure wise, so I was an easy pick for bullying, back at my old school, Gio was always there to save my ass, and I think a few people knew of my dad being the Don of the italian mafia, which was kind of a huge deal on this part of the world.

But now there was no Gio, and at this new school, I was pretty sure no one knew me, and if they did, they were doing a really good job at keeping it to themselves.

I had managed to get myself out of the floor full of broken glass, sitting here wasn't going to help me, I still needed to get to school, and seeing as my dad stormed out of the house, I was going to have to walk to school.

I dragged myself out of the kitchen and to the living room, where I picked my bag pack that he had thrown away on the floor, thank God he didn't inflict any physical injuries on my body today, at least I didn't have to spend the whole day at school hiding bruises and cut marks.

I walked out of the house, past all the security we had here, I wonder why no one, not even the police had ever challenged my dad as to why he had so much men with guns in his house, but then again, most of them owed my dad their lives, I don't think they'd want to question someone as dangerous as him about anything.

I walked out of the gate, and looked at the left and right side of the road, already dreading the long walk I was going to walk from here to my school, it wasn't as close as my old school.

I took the right turn and started heading towards the direction I remember, when my dad took me in his car, I miss my mom a lot, if she was still here, she probably would have taken me to school.

His Tesoro (MxM)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora