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Jacob struggled for breath as he was pinned to a tree by his throat by the brunette. He didn't react since he was told she would be the one to avoid. He supposed he should be grateful she didn't incinerate him on the spot. He tried not to struggle in hopes she wouldn't remember she could do so. For a while, it seemed she just wanted to inflict as much pain as possible on him as she could. She kept slamming him repeatedly into things for a while but now seemed ready to end it. He had to wait for the Cullens to help. He hoped they'd help soon because he could feel she was just at the cusp of breaking his neck. He hoped he'd pass out first, at least.

He knew his packmates were anxious. He could hear Seth whining while in his wolf form and Leah growling in hers. But both were afraid to take a step, more than likely fearing the same thing he was. Fire. They were all warned to beware of the brunette and blond. He thought she was one of the easiest to get along with before. But now that he thought back, it may have been because she had chosen to ignore them. But this was not ignoring him. Not anymore.

"Serafina, please put him down," Carlisle soothed.

"You're hurting him, dear," Esme added.

"Did you not hear what Edward said about an imprint?" Serafina scoffed. She glared at Edward, "Horrible parenting, by the way; you should be in this position. But no tienes huevos."

"It's different. In the past, we assumed mate bond," Edward said weakly. He was enjoying the interaction.

The young pup seemed to be listening and quickly disappeared before reappearing while buttoning up his shorts, "Wait! It's not like that! The imprint isn't what you think!" he quickly explained.

"The mating bond? Or true love? Of course, you'd try to defend him; he's your master, right?" Serafina ignored the boy.

Soon, a young woman emerged wearing shorts as well. She adjusted her sleeveless top before stopping beside the young boy and giving him a light shove to place him behind herself while glaring at Serafina, "That's not how this works. He's the alpha, not our master. Isn't Dr. Leech your master?"

"I have no master," Serafina ignored the girl.

"Baby, let them explain before you kill them. Jacob warned us. He helped quite a bit. But if it's as creepy as it sounds, feel free to keep doing what you were doing," Rosalie called from inside.

"Alright, mi amor," Serafina said as she dropped Jacob. He had already begun to get light-headed when he landed heavily, crumpling to the floor.

"So Barbie is your mistress? Got it," the girl said while crossing her arms, giving Serafina a smirk.

"You're single, right?" Serafina asked as though that were an insult before turning away from the girl.

That remark did seem to have struck a nerve as the girl's smirk disappeared. Glare right back where it was moments before.

The young boy helped Jacob into a sitting position and explained, "We used to think the imprint was like a soulmate bond. But not so much anymore. There have been a few that didn't have that lovey-dovey feel, you know?"

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