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The next day she got a knock on her door asking her to go out for breakfast. She declined. The captain then asked if she would feel more comfortable eating with him in his quarters. She declined again. The same thing happened every breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Three days into their trip, she decided to have a word with the captain. She made her way through the ship late one night. Perfectly avoiding everyone while staying in the shadows. She knew the captain was out speaking with his small group of men; she had heard them speaking about setting up their trap for the next evening. The trap they were planning for herself.

Because it was already evening, she wore her white dress to play her character. She sat in the chair in front of his captain's desk with her back facing the door on his entry. Legs crossed and lazily leaning on the arm of her chair with her face in her palm and eyes closed as though resting.

She heard him enter the room, "¿Señorita? ¿Cuándo llegaste aquí? ¿Está todo bien?" he asked in his surprise, making his way around the desk to his own chair. His breath hitched when he saw her. This was his first time seeing her without her cloak, and she was stunning.

"Conozco tus planes." She said without opening her eyes. Before she could continue, he interrupted her.

"¿Qué planes?" he laughed it off as he sat down in his chair.

"No me mientas." She then opened her eyes to look at him, making him gasp and immediately stand from his chair, "Sé todo lo que has estado planeando. Después de la amabilidad que te mostré también. Muy decepcionante." She shook her head in her disappointment.

"¿Qué, qué eres?" he asked, cowering against the wall behind his chair. Trying to put as much space between them as possible.

"¿Realmente necesitas preguntar? Creo que sabes lo que soy. También creo que sabes quién soy." She smirked making her eyes glow, "Me mantendría fuera de mi camino si fuera tú. Tú y tus hombres. Si no lo haces. Te arrepentirás. Solo llévame a México, y tomaremos caminos separados. ¿Tenemos un entendimiento?"

He merely whimpered.

"¿Qué fue eso?" she mocked.

"¡Entiendo!" he choked out.

"Bien. Ahora, para demostrar que soy misericordioso, me guardaré para mí mismo en mi cuarto." She said as she stood up and smoothed her dress. "Pero si alguien me molesta, los mataré." She calmly walked to his door. Still playing herself up as her terrifying self, she turned back to look at the captain. Her smirk turned into a sinister grin as she engulfed herself in flames and put her hand to his door, burning her symbol into the back where he would always see it. In fear, the captain shut his eyes; she whispered, "Has sido advertido." She then used his fear to quickly make her escape.

When he opened his eyes, he discovered she was gone. He didn't notice her leaving as his fear was too much. He took a shaky breath but looked to his door and noticed the burn in the door was still glowing around the edges. He hid under his desk and wept. Praying it was all just a dream.

The next day Serafina lay calmly in her cot. She didn't hear anyone greet the captain all day. But many whispers said the captain wasn't feeling well. She wondered if he heeded her warning and told the men that the assault was canceled. She had her answer when she heard a soft knock on her door. She threw on her cloak to avoid their sight and possible touch.

SeraphOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora