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Serafina tensed while bathing as she felt a vampiric presence quickly approach her shack. But relaxed as she recognized it was one she already knew. But she groaned when she noticed that the one presence was actually two.

"I'm naked. Any men out there better stay outside," Serafina called out. She heard one figure skid to a halt quite a distance from the shack while the other continued. Serafina lazily leaned back and closed her eyes to enjoy her hot bath. "Thanks, Jazz," she called outside while the other presence opened the door and entered her home.

"Your mate is unreasonable," Alice said as she walked in and dragged a chair over to sit beside the bath.

This remark brought a smirk to Serafina's face, "She's pretty impressive." She sighed dreamily.

Alice rolled her eyes, "if you say so. You know she refused to give me any alone time with you. And when I pushed to have it, she cut my time short! That's why Jazz and I are here together. We have to share time." She pouted.

"Actually, that doesn't explain why you're here. It would explain why I'd be spending my day with you later. But not why you're here now. Invading my space. Watching me take a bath," Serafina answered, never opening her eyes.

Jasper chuckled from outside, "She still wanted that alone time, so she thought she'd steal your alone time."

"It's not like you're doing anything," Alice said as she looked at Serafina. She noticed the water boiling in Serafina's bath. She reached over and stuck her finger in the water to test the temperature, "Oooh. That's really hot. It feels perfect. Can I get in?"

"No. Now why did you need alone time so badly? I think I remember you telling mi hermosa Rosa that you wanted alone time before," she muttered. She heard rapid and brief rustling noises and then felt Alice enter her bath. "Alice, I said you couldn't get in," she whined as her legs were pushed to the side and glared at Alice, who had begun leaning back with her eyes closed to relax at the other end of the small bath.

"This is nice. Since turning, I haven't been able to enjoy a hot bath. You don't feel it the same way. Now, you can only really enjoy it when it's boiling. But the pipes can't get it there. You should let me bathe with you more often. The tub at the Cullen household is bigger than this. You won't even notice me when we do!" Alice offered in a sing-song voice.

Serafina's temper flared. Jasper felt it from outside, and while a bit concerned, he still knew Alice was safe. He knew if he reacted and entered to check on things, he would be the one in danger. Serafina would probably kill him as soon as he entered. He decided to wait but didn't have to wait long before confirming his mate was alright.

"Oh, did the water get hotter? Oh, that's heavenly," Alice moaned, never opening her eyes.

This extinguished Serafina's anger as she chuckled, "You know, if you were human, this would've killed you a while ago, boiled to death. It would be the opposite of heaven. Wouldn't you think you were being tortured in hell?"

The three began to chuckle at that. Serafina closed her eyes to relax again and ignore Alice. Both women sat there and enjoyed the hot water.

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