Washington 2004

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Serafina was walking down the street when she heard a siren behind her. It was a single blare to inform her of their presence. She didn't stop even as the car began to keep pace with herself. She acted as though no one was there. The car soon pulled ahead of her and stopped.

"Come on now, Hart, off to school," Chief Swan said as he exited the car and stood before her.

"No hablo inglés," she answered as she continued walking, never glancing at him.

"Súbete el cruiser," he said dully.

This caused her to stop as she turned to give him a grin, "Have you been practicing?"

"I remember a bit here and there from high school Spanish. Don't judge," he said as he opened the backseat for her.

She sighed but went to the backseat and took her usual spot. Chief Swan returned to the driver's side and put on the radio. He stopped at an eighties rock station, knowing it was common ground for him and Serafina.

"Oh! Higher it! I like this song," Serafina said, singing along to the words.

"You know, it boggles the mind how you can be into this music. You weren't even born when this music came out!" he chuckled while accommodating her and raising the volume slightly.

Serafina only grinned as she kept singing to herself. She remembered the eighties. She and her siblings made a band. She had gotten more comfortable singing over the years, and when those eighties hair bands hit, they were sure they could do it, too. They made a six-man band: Serafina sang, Rosalie and Emmett played guitar, Jasper played bass, Alice on drums, and Edward was on the keyboard. They were good. However, the band split up due to creative differences over what types of songs should be played. Emmett and Edward hated the songs the other had chosen for the band to play. The truth was that Serafina would always swap out the setlists one of them made for her own choices. She knew what types of songs she needed to sing to affect her girlfriend in all the right ways. If she were lucky, she would get lucky halfway through their setlist as her girlfriend turned into a groupie instead of a part of the band. Those were the good ol' days. She would always have a soft spot for eighties music.

"How have you been, Hart?" Chief Swan asked softly after a while.

Serafina was taken out of her memories by that question. Her smile slipped as she looked out the window, "I'm alright. You don't need to worry."

"They were your friends. It's okay to be sad. Remember the good times you spent with them," he mumbled as he glanced at her through the rear-view mirror, "Plus, what you did for them. That was amazing. You should be proud of how you laid them to rest. I'm sure they would have loved it."

Serafina smiled, "They requested that type of funeral specifically. They spent some years in Louisiana when they were younger."

"Well, you managed to put something so grand together for them. It was impressive, like in the movies. You sent Walt and Clarence off with a bang. All the trouble that happened because of that jazz funeral taking over the streets," Chief Swan thought momentarily, "Yeah, it doesn't surprise me that they asked for it."

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