Alaska 1965

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Serafina understood why Rosalie had wanted the love nest so badly. The others gave her a tour of their love shacks shortly after the incident. The names for each were very fitting for them. Irina's love cabin was a simple but charming little cabin complete with a fireplace. Tanya's love den was a cave customized to have a cabin face but was set impressively in a cave. Although it was in a cave, it was very cozy. Serafina liked Tanya's setup more. But she had to admit the love nest was very nice as well. It was a large tree house about seven feet from the ground with a beautiful view. Each was still barely within the sphere of their territory but also near the town. It made it easier for them to take their dates back.

Carmen and Eleazar also had a cabin for themselves, but they didn't need to be near people, so theirs was in a more secluded spot at the opposite end of their territory. They didn't name it anything fun or go over the top with decorating. Serafina could tell it was an intimate little place for the two. It didn't need extra.

Although Serafina thought each had unique charms and was very cute and cozy. She was uncomfortable going inside them for long. She knew what these buildings were built explicitly for and didn't like the thought. Everyone could tell. When Kate had offered the two her love nest, Rosalie could see Serafina's disgust though she tried to mask it to make her happy. But Rosalie knew. So she declined. When Serafina asked why, Rosalie just said it was enough to know that Serafina was better at fighting and they didn't need an actual prize.

Kate disagreed about the fight, reminding them that Serafina cheated. But Kate still wouldn't allow them to refuse her gift. She wanted to gift something to Serafina for protecting them. She still blamed herself for them having gotten into that situation and for the argument that happened afterward. She knew Rosalie loved her tree house. So she offered to help build a new one. They had nothing else to do.

Rosalie readily agreed and found a spot to the north where they decided to build it. It was in a beautiful part of the forest and caught the light very well. It wasn't too far from a freshwater spring, so they could get clean water to bathe after their activities. Serafina complained incessantly about having to work to make it but still assisted. With the four working continuously, the four being Rosalie, Serafina, Kate, and Irina, and the occasional help from Emmett, their own love nest was built a year after the incident.

That was where the two were relaxing at the moment. They lay together in bed, Rosalie cuddled into Serafina's arms, refusing to acknowledge the world. The continuous thrumming from their purrs resounding the room was what Rosalie loved to hear. She had asked Esme and Alice if they had ever made that sound. They confirmed that they did. But only after their sexual activities with their mates and when they felt satisfied and safe. It was the only time it triggered. After knowing, she found she loved the sound even more. She always felt remarkably fulfilled after their lovemaking when she heard their purrs in the room. She could tell Serafina was just as happy as she was.

"Mi amor, when do you want to go back? I know you miss them," Serafina whispered. She didn't want to break their peaceful atmosphere but knew they needed to speak.

Rosalie gripped her tighter and pouted a bit. She did miss her family. After the incident, Rosalie was so mad at Carlisle and Edward that she mostly gave them the cold shoulder. And when the family was ready to move on to their next life, she elected for her and Serafina to stay with their cousins. She said the two needed a break. Alice and Emmett worried they would try to stay with the Denali forever to be their siblings. Alice almost cried with no tears until Rosalie reassured her that it was only temporary.

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