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Serafina had a bored expression as she listened in on the family meeting. Everyone was arguing back and forth, and she was done. It was the same conversation as before. She sighed exaggeratedly to draw everyone's attention.

"So, when we said bringing her into our lives was a bad idea. We were in the wrong. You two," Serafina gestured to her parents, "Sided with Edward. And now even he knows it was a bad idea. And now he wants to leave, and you're going to side with him again?"

"I get he was your first sired so that connection might be stronger than the rest of us. But the blatant favoritism is getting old," Rosalie rolled her eyes.

"Edward was right. He was able to control himself," Carlisle began.

"I'm the one who couldn't control myself. I'm sorry," Jasper spoke up from the back corner of the room. He had been trying to mask his presence from the others out of shame and hadn't spoken much since the incident. Alice gave him a sad smile as she rubbed his back and kissed his forehead, whispering under her breath that it wasn't his fault.

"Jazz, what did I tell you before? I wouldn't have let you get to her," Serafina grinned at the man.

"You would've 'seared me good'?" Jasper managed with a small smile.

"Exactly. Hell, Edward was the one who caused the most damage. Nice fight or flight instincts, pendejo," she glared toward Edward, "Who tosses a human girl so forcefully? Into a glass table no less." She shook her head in amazement, "Even if the table weren't there, she still would've hit the wall." She finished.

"Lord knows she can't take any blows to the head. She's barely managing with what little brain power she has," Rosalie smirked.

"I think she did hit the wall?" Emmett said in a questioning tone while everyone ignored him.

Their mother clicked her tongue angrily as she glared at her children.

Edward looked anguished as he looked down at the table, "I know I caused the most damage. That's why we should leave. I'm no good for her. I bring her only pain. She doesn't deserve that." He said.

"Edward, it was an accident! You love her! We can't leave!" Alice argued.

"You've been so happy since she came into your life. I don't want to see what you would become if she's no longer in it," Esme added.

"Are you sure about this?" Carlisle asked.

"Yes! It was a mistake. I shouldn't have gotten involved with her in the first place," Edward frowned.

"But you did," Emmett said, giving him a questioning look, "Isn't it too late now?"

"It is," Serafina answered Emmett before Edward could.

"She's right. Now the human has stupidly fallen for you, too," Rosalie explained, "Do you know how much this is going to hurt?"

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