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Aro grasped her hand in both of his and held eye contact. Although he seemed to be looking in her eyes, Serafina noticed he wasn't actually focusing on her. So, she surveyed his appearance. He appeared to be in his mid to late twenties, not much taller than herself, if at all, long black hair, and an impish grin almost always plastered to his face. She supposed he was attractive, but not to herself. Aro began to chuckle and his eyes regained focus and looked into her eyes.

"My dear, your thoughts are mine to read while we hold this contact. Including any new thoughts you are having. Though, it's good you don't find me attractive- my wife may try to kill you if you did." He chuckled as he looked her face over.

"Sorry," she shrugged.

His smile began to fade as he grew serious and looked into her eyes again, "What happened wasn't your fault. Your sire failed you. You were taught nothing, and your abilities were enhanced tenfold upon your creation into a vampire. With no one to guide you and your emotions going haywire with your confusion at the change, what happened to the town wasn't your fault. If I were able to find your sire, we would punish them for their failure in educating you."

"If? If you were able to find my sire? I thought you would be able to find them?" Serafina questioned with a small glance to Alec.

"Normally I would by looking into your thoughts. Even if you only caught a glimpse, I would normally be able to tell. But if you never saw them, why would you think about them? The only thoughts of yours I saw about them was your confusion on who they may be after you learned of their existence a year ago or thoughts about why they changed you in the first place. I am sorry my dear, but you never saw them before or after, therefore had no thoughts about them for me to piece together and find the truth." He stated with sympathy as he let go of her hand and looked back to the others as he began walking away from her. "But that doesn't mean I'll stop trying." He added as he came to a stop.

"Why are you willing to help me with this?" Serafina innocently asked while keeping her distrust from her face.

"Well, my dear, because they broke the law." He stated looking back at her, "but the main reason, is because they caused you a lot of pain with their negligence. After seeing all you've been through, I simply cannot allow them to go without punishment. No. You suffered alone for too long. Stay. We will do our best to find them together."

She was incredibly suspicious of his concern but knew better than to show it on her face so decided to ignore the comment about staying and ask some questions, "what law did they break?"

"If your creator failed to educate you of our laws upon your awakening as a vampire, then your creator broke the law. A creator is responsible for their newborn's behavior and education for the first several months." Caius stated from his throne, "Allowing newborns to run amok may draw unwanted attention from the humans. We can't allow that."

"Exactly," Aro nodded, "Also, I like the word amok. I think I'll use that too," he mumbled more to himself while looking down for a moment, before looking up and addressing Serafina, "If a newborn runs amok without ever having been educated by their creator, then both newborn and creator will be subject to death as punishment. If after they were educated the newborn ignores what they've been taught, well, that would only result in the newborns' death. But the creator would be pardoned."

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