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Rosalie took Serafina to her favorite hunting spot. They ran the whole way, and getting there took longer than regular runs. Serafina didn't know where they were but knew it was many miles away from home. She hadn't sensed the other Cullens for the longest time while traveling.

Serafina looked around. They were at the top of a ridge. They were so far from civilization that there were many animals around. Not necessarily near them, being the predators they were, many animals fled the area as soon as they neared. But when she looked down to the bottom of the ridge, she could see some deer grazing. They were downwind from the deer, and since they were so light on their feet, their prey couldn't hear them. These were the perfect hunting conditions.

Rosalie walked behind Serafina, put her arms around her waist, and put her head on her shoulder with her mouth at her ear, "Just go when you think you're ready." She whispered.

Serafina frowned. She didn't want to drink animal blood. She knew she said she would, but she planned on waiting until she was absolutely famished and could no longer keep her monster locked within. It wasn't the best idea. A lot could go wrong. She could snap and attack an innocent human, true. But maybe she would get lucky, and the human she murdered would be someone who deserved it. Was she a lucky person? Not really, but people were never genuinely innocent anyways.

Rosalie could sense her unwillingness. She looked at Serafina's side profile and noticed a small pout that made her want to laugh. She held it back and kissed her cheek instead, "Please? You said you'd try."

Serafina deflated. She had to do it, but she had never actually hunted before. If she were to be technical, she would be more of a fisher than a hunter. When she fed, it was more like fishing. She was the bait, and her food came to her. She just had to reel them in and feed. She never had to chase her food. She didn't know what to do.

"Mi hermosa, I've never actually done this before. What do I do?" she hesitantly asked under her breath.

Rosalie was surprised but remembered that Serafina never went with her when she hunted before. She let go of her waist so she could stand before her but was pulled back by Serafina, "you can tell me from where you were. I'll still listen." Rosalie grinned but took her spot behind Serafina again to whisper in her ear but was stopped before she could when Serafina reached back and grabbed her arms and put them around her waist again, "alright. Now I'm all ears."

Rosalie giggled but whispered in her ears how to start. She decided to hunt with her to show her what to do. They started with the plan to capture the deer first. Rosalie then tied Serafina's hair into a ponytail and tied up her own hair, "Ready?"

Serafina nodded. Then the two took off quickly toward the deer. Prey's instincts are sharp. Although the two vampires are faster than most predators that typically go for the deer, the deer still sensed them. They may not have known what was going for them, but they still tried to leave the area as quickly as possible. Serafina managed to keep up with them. But was still a bit unsure of how to proceed. She saw Rosalie quickly and elegantly subdue one and managed to mimic her movements. But then she stopped. Rosalie told her exactly where she wanted to bite and then bit her own deer.

Serafina grimaced but bit exactly where Rosalie had said. She made a mess. Her face scrunched in disgust, but she kept her bite. But after that first taste, she released her jaw and gagged. Rosalie heard her and released her bite, "Finish it! It'll taste worse if you let the blood go cold. Just force it down." She scolded.

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