Texas 1830

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She felt the blood go cold from the young man's body, considering his body was nearly empty, she forced herself to finish her meal quickly and then she released her teeth from his throat. She wiped her mouth with her gloved hand then wiped that on his shirt. Cleanliness is a virtue after all. She then dropped his body where it was behind an outcrop of rocks on the banks of the river. With her hunger now satisfied she decided to continue on her way. She actually wasn't even planning on that meal, but she was not one to turn away a perfectly good meal when it came willingly.

When she continued on her way she heard his friends calling him while laughing. She could hear their calls saying they saw him following a beauty and asking if he had gotten lucky and was now ready to share. She was full, but she still decided killing them would be the best option. Better to not have any witnesses, plus she could tell the world wouldn't really be at a loss without them. So she walked behind a set of trees at the edge of the banks of the river not too far from the body where she laid in wait while casually leaning against a tree.

The footsteps grew closer and she could faintly smell them too. It made her sick so she decided to stop breathing for now. At least the one she fed from had bathed more regularly than these two. She already had her mind set on immediately snapping the one on the left's neck. He didn't seem as disgusting as the one on the right yelling for his friend to share his spoils. She wanted that man on the right to suffer for being a pig. She stopped picking her nails as she heard them get even closer, but she was still waiting for her signal.

Then she heard the screams. They finally found their friend. She grinned to herself and as she was about to make her dramatic appearance, she heard movement from a distance. She paused, knowing this wasn't a normal human. She could sense something speeding towards the men. She was puzzled then heard more screams and what sounded like a struggle before nothing. She took a sniff and it was almost an instinctual response. She could tell it was one of her kind. She had never met one before and was curious. But it was loud and clumsy so she figured it probably wasn't worth it to meet. She sighed, turning around to continue on her way. She didn't even have a destination, but found she enjoyed walking the riverbank late at night.

The newcomer raced ahead of her. He was a rather large, burly and tall man with short dirty blond hair, prominent brow, square jaw with stubble with a straight, albeit somewhat large, nose and thin lips. Handsome but in more of a rugged and tough type of way. He looked down on her with his bright red eyes. She could actually see him flexing and puffing his chest out a bit."What's a pretty little thing like yourself doin' out here?" he licked his lips and put on a grin and drawled on with his southern accent, "On the hunt? Want a friend? Must be hard bein' a woman on your own out here. You make it worth my while and I'll be your muscle. We can share this territory right? Just us. What's your name little lady? I'm Red. Red Donovan. I was headin' down south to try to join that female coven I'd heard about in Mexico. Heard they were a trio of beauties. But I have to say, you are the most beautiful woman I've ever had the pleasure to lay eyes on." He paused a moment, waiting only a second before asking, "Well? Cat got your tongue?"

She stood still attempting to reel in her anger. Face stoic. Her right hand fingers twitching in a reflex. She didn't even bother to look him in the eyes, keeping her sight straight to his chest and through him as though he weren't there. "Are you done?" she gritted through clenched teeth. She could literally feel herself heating up. Her fingers twitched some more. "I don't even know where to start. But why would I join you for anything you annoying piece of..." she inhaled and inwardly counted to 10. She knew she couldn't handle his nonsense so she side stepped and kept walking in the same direction as before.

Red then became annoyed, following right behind and jerking her left arm causing her to face his direction. She kept her eyes straight as before looking through him as if he was air and clenched her fists. Red raised his voice at her, "Hey! What is your problem little lady? I was just playin' with ya sweetheart. We don't gotta do nothin'. Well, I mean, not yet anyways. We can work up to it after gettin' to know each other. I mean, I'm pretty sure you ain't my mate, but that don't mean we can't relieve our urges right? Basic animal instincts and all that. Better than bein' alone. My right? Now come on, what's your name?"

"Red was it? You better let go of my arm now. Or else I won't allow you to keep yours," she breathed out feeling herself heat up more.

He didn't relinquish his hold immediately but could sense something was wrong. He slackened his hold for her to need no effort to pull free. If he could sweat he swears he would've been. Since he had started this new strange life he had never felt fear as he had just now, but he didn't understand why. She didn't do anything, but the temperature did increase around them. He recalled his sire mentioning that some others had abilities and he should do his best to stay in those that did's good graces. He was curious but knew not to ask. He decided to play it safe and apologize first, "now I'm sorry for offendin' ya little lady. I didn't mean nothin' by it. It's just rare to meet our kind ya know? Just want to make friends is all. Can I please know your name?"

She had already been turned in his direction from his yanking but now decided to speak to him face to face. She saw that he had backed away a bit and even somewhat shrank himself with palms up and out in a display of submission. At least as much submission as an apex predator can show. It was slight, but she saw it. The animal instincts he had mentioned before were showing themselves. Even he could tell who would win if something should happen so was showing respect and making himself less of a threat. Whether subconscious or not, she didn't care. Knowing he was at least attempting to show her some respect she calmed herself down. Without changing her expression she simply answered, "my name is Serafina Hart. Now that you know your place, I actually have some questions for you Red. So let's go for a walk."

Red swallowed out of fear, then nodded and walked with her to her left and a bit behind knowing he wasn't equal to stand beside her. He knew better now not to judge from looks alone. Even if he was at the top of the food chain normally, you never know if there might be someone out there stronger. Who would've thought this tall, beautiful, pure looking woman could give off such a heavy killing intent. He glanced at her profile and thought she was an angel. But from his fear, all he could think was vengeful.

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