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Once the family resettled the old home in Forks, they discussed things they had missed, including the wedding. Edward had happily taken credit for the happy event finally taking place but felt guilty after finding out none of his family attended said happy event. He realized it was because everyone was too focused on his absence that they neglected the family that had stayed. He avoided speaking about it but reviewed the photos Alice had copied onto her computer. He made a pact with the rest of the family to plan the next wedding and make it completely over the top for the two women the next time they decided to do so.

Aside from hearing about the family, they had even heard from the human what had happened in Forks while they were away. The girl had spent a lot of time with the werewolves and was nearly killed by Laurent, the nomad they had met, when everything first went to hell. Luckily, those werewolves saved her. Serafina was amazed when she heard. She didn't think those beasts were capable of coordination. After her initial shock, she tuned back into the conversation and discovered that the female nomad was still around, too. That was why Laurent showed up in the first place, from her request, and she was still hunting the human. This lady was particularly annoying. Serafina remembered her headache when they had tried to track her down before.

The family joined the hunt to find the female nomad but could not find her. Edward remained particularly clingy because of this fact, using it as an excuse to continue sneaking into the girl's bedroom for protection. He became more possessive of the girl in general. Serafina found it creepy but still didn't say anything. Even though she really wanted to mock him. Everyone's relationship was different, after all.

Until she found out Edward asked the girl to marry him.

"It's kind of fucked up how easy it is for straight people to get married," Serafina commented in a generalized way.

"Seriously! Like you couldn't even think about marrying Rosie before, but you wanted to for like the last fifty years," Emmett innocently mentioned. He thought momentarily and continued, "But Ed has known his girlfriend for what? Two years? He's been with her for technically only a year, though, and he gets to tie the knot that quickly. Totally unfair."

"I'm sorry it's so easy for me. But I am going to marry her," Edward said, "Sorry if I'm stealing your guys' thunder." He shrugged.

This struck a chord with Rosalie. She frowned. But it didn't take long for her to perk up, "Doesn't sound like you are. There's a big difference between you and Bella and me and Serafina, after all," Rosalie said while looking at her wife and giving her a knowing look.

Serafina understood that look, and when Edward was about to question the difference, she answered before he could even ask, "I said yes." She said while holding up her ring hand.

"Big difference. See, my girlfriend actually wanted to marry me. Crazy, right?" Rosalie added with a smug grin.

Alice grimaced when she heard, "Bella's just not one for labels." She tried to soothe Edward.

"Not everyone wants to get married. They don't need that label to be happy together. I didn't need to marry Alice. We would've been happy together, marriage or not," Jasper noted as he looked toward Alice with a smile, "We only got married because Carlisle said it would be easier to blend in that way. It is true. And I don't regret it. But we didn't need it."

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