New York 1999

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A gorgeous group walked together in pairs down the busy sidewalk. Drawing eyes from all directions as they moved—the eldest appearing couple in the lead. The man held his arm out to escort his wife. They moved gracefully forward with gentle smiles.

A group of teens followed the couple. Two fierce-looking women who held hands and kept their faces ahead as though everything was beneath them. The blond kept a blank look while the brunette smirked slightly. Just behind the two women was a tall blond male giving a petite brunette female a piggyback ride. The male had a small, doting smile while the female hid her face in his shoulder while she laughed. And behind them all were two tall male teens who were discussing whether or not aliens could exist. The other teens in front would join in with their opinions on occasion. This was also why the petite brunette kept laughing. The discussion was getting reasonably intense, which made it funnier.

"We shouldn't be doing this. We should be keeping a low profile at all times," Rosalie finally interrupted the discussion. This statement caused groans to erupt from all the other teens.

"You've been such a buzzkill since that warning! It was just a little reminder. We're always good anyways," Emmett grumbled.

"He's right," Esme said with a small smile as she stopped to look up at Rosalie. She affectionately held her cheek, "You're too hard on yourself and your siblings. We always play it safe. No one has ever gotten too close to suspect anything. Alice and Edward make sure of it. We don't draw attention." She said with a reassuring smile.

The family looked at her incredulously as they looked around them at the New Yorkers currently gawking at them while pretending not to.

"Well, we can't help it if we look good," Esme rolled her eyes, "This amount of attention is normal. They don't think anything else of it," she defended and rejoined Carlisle, who only chuckled at her response.

The family accepted that answer.

"Baby, they're right. You've been too worried. We've been good. You deserve to have fun every once in a while. Relax. This is just a little vacation in The Big Apple. There is so much going on at all times that people won't remember us," Serafina said as she released Rosalie's hand and put her arm around her waist, bringing her closer. She then kissed her cheek, "Please? I've shown you my home. You still haven't shown me yours. We can stay a few extra days after our nerdy little trip to the museum."

"Hey!" Jasper exclaimed in offense.

"You brought us to a museum, Jazz. It's educational. That makes it nerdy," Serafina explained.

"No, no, no! It's not that bad! It's a pirate exhibit! It's not like we're learning at an actual museum!" Emmett defended as he covered his eye with his hand, "Argh matey!"

Strangely, even Edward grinned as he gave an "argh" back. The whole group laughed as they all tried their hands at being pirates. Serafina even did her own as she crooked her finger in a faux pirate hook and poked Rosalie in her belly. They all waited for it.

Rosalie finally laughed and gave them all an "argh" back, allowing them to continue to the museum happily.

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