Volterra 1831

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They landed ashore after several weeks of travel. Serafina and Danny were given cloaks of their own in black to be easily discernible to the guard. Jane was still annoyed with Serafina for extending their trip by refusing to swim. Serafina had even refused to be taught when Alec offered to teach her. Jane was offended. How dare this nobody refuse the graciousness of her brother? Throughout their trip, Jane would say things to Serafina in hopes of offending her. Serafina was never bothered and would simply laugh it off, only angering Jane more to the point where Jane would purposely stay away from her.

They sped through the beautiful Italian countryside until they reached a large city surrounded by enormous walls. Serafina and Danny were in awe, staring up at the large walls. She was excited to take a look at the interior of the city, so began to make her way to a large open gate where travelers were already making their way through. When she was suddenly stopped by Alec.

"We have our entrance further back. Just follow us." He stated, speeding towards the shadows at the opposite end.

Serafina and Danny followed. Then, as Serafina watched, Alec disappeared. She wasn't able to hide her surprise. Jane smirked. Serafina quickly hid that surprise after realizing she had been seen. Then paid more attention as Jane soon disappeared as well. She reached her hand out to where they had disappeared and realized it was just the way the wall was laid out. She shifted herself more to the left and was able to see it for what it was. A narrow passageway. The wall was positioned in a way that it hid the passageway unless you looked at it from a very specific angle that no one would typically bother looking for. She stood marveling at the ingenuity when she heard a sigh from the passage.

"Yes, yes, it's impressive. Now hurry up! We've already been delayed enough as it is due to yourself! You should be more self-aware!" Jane scoffed after popping her head out from behind a turn in the wall to glare at Serafina.

Serafina rolled her eyes but followed with Danny still walking next to her but still partially behind. The passage was small. She figured it barely allowed the army to walk two at a time to fit through when traveling through it. She comfortably walked through the maze-like passage that slowly elevated to some back alleys. The back alley was much wider and had a spectacular view of the city, but she noticed that while it seemed very open, it was actually hidden in the shadows. Technically the citizens of the city couldn't actually see them. Not unless they were knowingly looking for them, even in broad daylight they wouldn't be seen. She could only assume that it was because they didn't want to have the people aware of what they do behind the scenes in their quiet city. She thought it was very clever. She considered making some type of secret passage for herself in her town. Then she remembered she didn't actually have to hide anything so quickly dispelled the idea.

They made it towards the end of pathway that led them further into the center of the city. They made it to a gorgeous building's back courtyard. The building was tall. She wasn't sure but believed it may have been a clock tower. Once they all made it the army lined up in formation and at attention.

"Disperse," Jane stated causing them all to leave.

It was only the four of them left as they entered the building. It was even more beautiful inside. She looked around where she could, but they weren't given an actual tour. They simply walked down several corridors until they made it to a grand room. There was an enormous portrait about eight feet tall on the wall of three men. One man standing in front of the center throne and two men sitting on the thrones just behind him. There were lit sconces on either side of the portrait. The sconces themselves were beautiful with intricate leaf designs all made of gold. Alec pulled on a lit sconce, and they heard a rumble. The wall holding the portrait opened up to darkness. Luckily, with their eyesight it was very easy to see the staircase that led downwards.

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