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A new day would bring a new Cullen. Serafina went to their home and prayed it wouldn't be Emmett's day. She still really disliked him but not because of the first meeting. She got over that after seeing him and Rosalie interact. He was the epitome of an annoying little brother. She mainly saw annoyance on Rosalie's face when dealing with him, which made her incredibly happy. What she disliked about Emmett now was how he intentionally annoyed her in some of the worst possible ways that put himself in danger. She didn't understand. It was as though he had no fear. She didn't know if he was brave or stupid. She was leaning towards stupid.

She got to the door and sighed. No matter what, she knew she would have to deal with Emmett anyways. She knocked and waited for him to answer. But even waiting, she began to get annoyed. He was usually right at the door for her knocks. He must've been playing mind games with her now. Her brows furrowed as she glared at the closed door in front of her. She knocked again, and still no answer, but she knew vampires were there. Of course, she did. She could sense them. What kind of game was he playing? She felt herself heat up, and she pinched the bridge of her nose with her fingers as she closed her eyes. If she kept glaring, she might set the door on fire.

The door swung open, and she let out a shaky breath as she tried to calm herself down, "You're lucky you opened when you did, or I would've burned that door down and blamed it on you. Now get out of my way, or I will kill you." She gritted out as she extended her arm and pushed him out of the way. As soon as her hand made contact with the figure in front, she froze and opened her eyes.

There stood the father figure with a look of surprise as he looked down at her hand spread on his chest after he was pushed to the side a bit. Thankfully she stopped the aggressive motion as soon as she noticed the difference in the man's slimmer physique. She immediately withdrew her hand. But aside from feeling horrified at having done that to Rosalie's father, she was also incredibly disgusted at the fact she touched him in general. It seems she was getting used to Emmett but not the others yet. She lit her hand on fire behind her back to disinfect it. Then gave an apologetic smile to Dr. Cullen, who began chuckling at her actions.

"I am so sorry," Serafina began.

"It's quite alright. I'm sorry it took me so long to get the door. We discussed last night that we would have someone else open the door for you, but it still took us a while to keep Emmett in check, as you can see." He gestured behind himself where Serafina could see straight through a window to the backyard where she could see the siblings trying to restrain Emmett. Alice had Emmett in a choke hold while dangling from his neck while both brothers had one of Emmett's arms. But Emmett still managed to drag them continuously closer to the house.

"They made a bet to see who could get a deer first. Emmett can get pretty competitive. They managed to get him a good distance away before he remembered you were coming. As you can see, they did their best to hold him back. But Emmett is powerful," Esme said with a loving smile as she watched the teens try to keep Emmett outside. While they all looked out, Rosalie slowly crept over to Serafina and held her hand as they stood at the door, looking towards the window.

Emmett managed to drag all siblings inside with a grin. The others finally let go knowing there was no use trying anymore. They just looked at Carlisle, "at least you managed to get to the door instead of him." Edward shrugged as he turned around to leave. Alice and Jasper also took their leave after giving Serafina an excited wave and a brief nod, respectively.

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