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The 'eldest' Cullen siblings graduated high school not long after Prom. The female couple had spoken to their family again about possibly leaving for a year or two and nearly managed to make it, but their mother guilt-tripped them into staying. She never actually asked them to stay and very much persuaded them to go, but in the way that only a mother can do. The way that made it so that if they did leave after hearing her, they would be labeled as horribly inconsiderate.

Esme was ecstatic that they stayed. But the two women were still somewhat angry with the precarious situation they were placed in against their will—the one where a human girl knew too much and still lived. So, no one argued when they suggested visiting the Denali for a month or two. The family also believed they needed a small break from the couple. The two women didn't shy away from their feelings when unhappy. And the two women were incredibly agitated.

The women stayed for two months with their cousins. Emmett joined them for a short part of it. He joined them the last week near the end of their visit. He didn't want to stay too long. He knew Alice and Bella were spending more time together and figured Jasper would be alone, and he didn't like that idea. So he relaxed a bit with Tanya and Kate.

Irina had been out since a bit before the female couple arrived. According to the others, Irina had spent time with another vampire male. He met with Tanya and obtained her approval to spend time with Irina. But he hadn't been properly introduced to their family yet. The family heard good things. He wasn't her mate, but they were having fun.

When the three missing teens returned home, their parents and siblings immediately embraced them. They asked how their trip had gone, and they all shared little stories. However, when Emmett began to share, they realized he had gone for a booty call and immediately dismissed him so they wouldn't have to hear any details.

Rosalie laughed as she told them how Kate and Serafina fought for the television remote multiple times. They always ended with Kate losing interest in the television and blasting Serafina with as much electricity as she could to see how much she could take. Serafina would beg for mercy since it tickled so severely that she couldn't take it anymore.

Serafina told them how Carmen taught them to dance the flamenco. She immediately held her hand out toward Rosalie, who looked sheepish as she looked back. Rosalie learned, yes. But she still needed the music to do so. Serafina was good at keeping rhythm without it. Serafina immediately understood and wasn't going to push it. But Emmett suddenly said, "Oh wait! It's better with music! They're really good!" he said quickly, playing flamenco from his computer.

The two women smiled at each other and then began their dances. They clapped their hands quickly to get into the music and stomped their heeled boots. Their faces were stoic when they started dancing in tandem. Once the music and their dance ended, they heard claps from their family as they bowed.

"So, it's like tap?" Jasper suddenly asked.

Serafina narrowed her eyes at him, "No! It's not like tap! It's different!" she argued.

Jasper knew how to tap dance. He frequented many clubs with Serafina back in the day. He had seen many types of dancing in the jazz and swing clubs they had gone to. Though he had seen the dances from a distance, it was enough for him to practice independently.

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