New York 2005

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Rosalie groaned at the alarm going off next to the bed. She reached over and lightly patted her hand down over the alarm clock to shut it off. She began to get out of bed but was dragged back by two arms snaking around her waist. She allowed herself to be pulled back momentarily with a grin as she felt the body behind her snuggle closer.

Rosalie couldn't help the chuckle from her mouth as she felt the wandering hands begin to grope, "You're not asleep." She laughed out.

"Another reason why I miss sleeping," Serafina sighed, "It would've been the perfect excuse to touch wherever I wanted by 'accident'. Instead, I have to live with the fact that I'm a pervert."

"So you admit you're a pervert?" Rosalie laughed.

"Only for you," Serafina whispered into her ear before kissing her shoulder.

"Well, knock it off. I've got to go to work," Rosalie answered before turning to be face-to-face with her. It was easier to give her a small kiss this way. But Serafina began to deepen that kiss. She figured indulging her lover and having fun before getting ready for the day would be better. She usually had to set her alarm an hour earlier because of this to make sure she was on time for work, but she couldn't say she hated it.

An hour later, Serafina wore only a silk robe as she looked out the window at the bustling park stories below. She was initially upset with Rosalie when Rosalie told her she wanted them to go to New York. She assumed she wanted to rejoin the family sooner but was pleasantly surprised by her girlfriend, who took her to New York City instead. The couple had lived comfortably in the middle of New York City for a couple of months now.

It turned out that Rosalie had bought a building close to Central Park in the early seventies and, after fully renovating, had been making quite a bit of money from it by selling condos, considering it was in a prime location. The previous owner couldn't keep up with maintenance, renovations, and a bad gambling habit, which led to his downfall. But his loss was Rosalie's gain. She had done it all secretly, and the law firm from Serafina's town managed it. Only Alice, Edward, and her mother knew. She surprised Serafina with the top two floors being explicitly renovated for them to stay with a private elevator and entrance just for them.

Their little piece of paradise was very near Colombia University and Central Park. Rosalie was also considering attending school this time, but Serafina talked her into taking a break from school. But Rosalie couldn't remain idle. It wasn't in her nature. But considering her physical age, getting a job doing something she was proficient in was hard without raising questions.

But her girlfriend was very lucky. Or not lucky, but with her wandering habits, she came across beneficial opportunities frequently.

One such situation happened when she traveled through East Harlem and saved an older gentleman who was getting hassled by some gang members for protection money for his repair shop. He attempted to stand his ground and refused them but was about to be killed when Serafina stepped in. She didn't do anything crazy, and the older gentleman was concussed after being pistol-whipped by one of the young hooligans, so she knew she wasn't giving much away.

When the older gentleman came to, he only saw them knocked down and struggling with a beautiful young woman standing above them. She was crushing one of the young men's hands with her heeled boots before letting them go. He thanked her repeatedly and tried to find a way to repay her when Serafina spoke up and told him that her girlfriend was looking for a job and was very talented. He apologized but said his shop wasn't that big and would only be able to pay her as much as his other two shop hands, which was hardly as much as big shops. But Serafina told him that would be fine, that her girlfriend was more looking for a place to do something she loved, but other shops turned her down.

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