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They played with the children again the next day but eventually went to the town square, where they met with Maria and a darker complected older man dressed for a day outdoors and flanked by two younger men. The older man was enthusiastic and began waving immediately at the group as they approached, while the younger men also looked as though they wanted to burst from their excitement.

As soon as they got close, the older man took off his hat and slightly bowed to Serafina, "Doña, I was told you would like to teach your friends the history of our proud town. It would be an honor!" the old man said while looking at her. He then went into a whisper that the Cullens could still hear, "Don't worry. I'll keep it tame for the ladies." He then winked at her and looked to the Cullens.

"This is Henry, the historian in town," Maria introduced, "and those are his students Arturo and Jeremiah. They will eventually succeed him, so they follow him wherever he tours so they don't miss anything."

Henry immediately went into teacher mode and described how violent and bloody the wild west was when the town was first created. He did not spare the details as he said, or it may have been that he didn't understand what he described as something that could be scary to ordinary people. She always knew he was a little odd.

He wasn't around, though, at the very beginning. He lacked details. Serafina filled in the blanks. He, Maria, and his students were incredibly excited to hear this information they hadn't heard before. It wasn't like Serafina was ever asked to listen to the history of the town she had created. That would be silly; she knew what had happened. So hearing it now was her first time, and hearing how they lacked some information, she felt she should give them something.

Looking over, all three men were taking arduous notes. They were so excited to hear the truth from the horse's mouth. Even Maria would pitch in things she was told by her mother, grandmother, and even great-grandmother when she was still alive. She even pitched in tidbits of information from childhood, just playing around near the orphanage with la Doña and the other children. Serafina would remember some of these things and, with a small smile, nod in agreement. Or sometimes give Maria a small rub to her head.

Rosalie didn't like it. Her mood, initially high at the thought of hearing more about Serafina, was dropping dramatically with every smile or touch Serafina gave this woman. Serafina didn't notice that she had gotten closer to Maria and the others to ensure the notes were taken down correctly. She just felt obligated to give these historians the facts at this point, so she couldn't help reading their notes over their shoulders.

Jasper felt Rosalie's jealousy, and Edward heard her thoughts. Jasper looked over at Edward to see if he could listen to his concerns but saw a slight smirk on his face. As soon as Jasper saw, he knew Edward was enjoying Rosalie's discomfort. He kicked him to get his attention. Edward glared at him in response. But he eventually rolled his eyes as he walked over and nudged Serafina.

"You said your house was the first one here, but it doesn't look very old," Edward questioned. Very obviously to the Cullens to bring her attention back to them.

Serafina looked at him, discovered how far away Rosalie was from herself and approached to hold her hand. Rosalie's mood picked up just from this small action. Serafina then looked back at Edward, but Henry stepped forward before she could open her mouth.

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