Alaska 1962

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The Cullens were currently traveling through Alaska to visit their cousins. They hadn't initially planned on introducing their new family members so soon, but an incident in their new town made them want to go to a more secluded place to ensure they were comfortable. They were currently filling up on gas before they continued on their way. The Denalis were already awaiting their arrival.

"I can't wait to meet our new family members! I bet it'll be nice to have a big family!" Alice exclaimed happily, bringing a smile to everyone's faces.

Jasper smiled sadly as he watched her, "I'm glad you're happy." He hesitated, "But I'm sorry we're in this mess in the first place." He directed to the others.

"You didn't do anything wrong," Esme comforted.

"But I wanted to," Jasper said with his head hung low, "if Edward hadn't grabbed me for Emmett to restrain me," he shook his head. Not wanting to think about what could have happened.

"You know, you held yourself back pretty well. I mean, if you were how you were ten years ago. We probably wouldn't have been able to grab you in time." Emmett said.

"As much as it pains me to say it, Emmett's right," Edward said. Nodding in agreement, "You hesitated. Even in your mind, you hesitated. That's why I was able to grab you in time."

"Well, they were pretty far away. If they were right in front of me, I might not have been able to stop myself. Even for a second. It's hard. Blood was everything when I was in Mexico," he admitted.

"And you're technically new to the diet. You've spent more years feeding on human blood than animal blood. Understandably, it would be harder for you," Carlisle reassured as he put his hand on Jasper's shoulder.

Jasper looked over to Serafina.

"No, Serafina's an aberration—a freak of nature. Don't compare yourself to her. Be proud of that. She's a horrible person." Edward said seriously. Emmett chuckled as he clapped a hand to his mouth to stop himself from being heard.

"Cállate idiota. Nadie te preguntó," Serafina said while leaning casually against Rosalie's car. She didn't even bother looking up from painting her fingernails. She began to blow them dry softly. Her response brought a smile to Jasper and Rosalie's faces.

"Maybe stopping breathing to reduce your sense of smell around people will help with your restraint?" Rosalie suggested.

"I don't know. Even though we don't need to breathe, it's still uncomfortable to go without. It's instinctive, after all. If you do that all the time, you'll look constipated. Like Edward," Serafina pitched in. Her response brought stifled laughter from the group.

Edward sighed as he rolled his eyes, "I've gotten better."

"You still can't beat Sera's poker face," Rosalie reminded.

This reminder brought a scowl to Edward's face. He couldn't beat her at chess. Now not even poker. He used to be the best at games at home. Now Serafina was the best. He didn't know that she was cheating. It became second nature to Serafina, so she didn't need to think about it. Rosalie knew. But she enjoyed seeing Edward lose, so she never brought it up. She just liked bringing up how he couldn't beat Serafina.

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