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Everyone was relaxing at home separately after they fed. All were doing different things they enjoyed. Alice soon giggled and plopped herself down on the center of the living room sofa with her sketchpad, which was in and of itself very telling of how things should have gone with Edward and Bella. If she began sketching happily in the living room, it was usually because she was in a good mood. Otherwise, she was secretive with her sketches until she was satisfied with the result- she only became self-conscious when she got better at drawing.

No one said anything, though, because she didn't. They were given a warning. They figured it was Edward's turn. And Alice was awaiting him comfortably in the living room.

Alice soon froze, and the smile on her face morphed into a frown. It conveyed her worry. Jasper, of course, noticed and questioned her without saying a word. But she shook her head no in response as she looked toward Rosalie, who sat at the piano playing a current popular song. Serafina was lying on the sofa not too far away, mindlessly playing with a gold coin, turning it between her fingers with a blissful smile while her eyes were closed.

Alice soon went over to Rosalie to whisper in her ear. Rosalie stopped playing and gave her a questioning look with a tinge of annoyance, but she still stood to leave. She kissed Serafina on her forehead as she lay on the sofa. She wiped the lipstick off and asked her to wait while she went out with Edward. Then she made her way outside to wait for him.

Serafina heard him ask to speak to her in private. Serafina turned to Alice, but Alice tried to ignore her. Serafina decided to ask flat-out, "Why?"

Alice sighed, knowing Serafina's temper might spike if she ignored her, "Well, he's trying to ask her to be nice to Bella," Alice answered.

"Shouldn't he be begging me to be nice to her too?" Serafina questioned.

"It wouldn't help if he did. You'll just be you anyways," Alice huffed.

"Is that bad?" Serafina questioned with obvious offense.

"Well, it's not good or bad. You'd probably act as though she's not even there," Jasper said from the opposite end of the room. "But if Rose is in a bad mood or outright angry, that will affect you more. And you would likely behave more antagonistically towards the girl than normal," he commented.

"My Rosa's mood doesn't affect me that much," Serafina said with furrowed brows as she tried to think if it was true.

"Ha!" Alice laughed.

"No, you're right," Jasper lied as he looked at Alice and gave her a wink, "But if it's an actual person causing her to be upset, then that's different. That, of course, would affect you. You're very protective, after all."

Serafina had her back to Jasper while seated on the sofa and didn't see his interaction with Alice. She turned around with a small smile on her face as she leaned forward against the couch back, "Now that's true, I'm a good girlfriend after all," she said with a small smile as she laid her face on her hands and looked up at him after sitting up a bit more to reach the top of the couch back.

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