Nero Devil Triggers on DEATH BATTLE

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(Devil Trigger - Casey Edwards and Ali Edwards)

Adam: The Order of the Sword is a religious group who worships the legendary dark knight Sparda for his crusade against his own kind in order to protect humanity. Kind of ironic though that one of Sparda's descendants is within their members, and they don't even know it.

Vanessa: Anyways, a long time ago, the eldest and most power hungry son of Sparda, the Dark Slayer Vergil, visited the city the Order of the Sword was based in, searching for answers to attaining his father's immeasurable power, and although he left empty handed, he did leave something behind; a son called Nero.

Randy: Nero was your typical angsty teenager and black sheep amongst a white flock, but he always made time to get to church, although he only ever stuck around because of his girlfriend Kyrie.

Vanessa: But all that changed the day an expected visitor literally dropped into the church for a visit, and no, it wasn't to donate to the church's roof, but to stop a conspiracy to engulf the world in demons, and allow the Order to rise to power.

Adam: But it took a while for Dante to convince Nero of this, and he did so with the best present ever; the legendary sword Yamato. With Nero on his side, Dante was able to bring down the Order of the Sword, and with the organization finished, Nero went on to forge his own path as a demon hunter.


Superhuman strength, speed and endurance

Skilled marksman

Unarmed combat


Healing factor

Red Queen

Blue Rose

Devil Bringer

Devil Trigger

Devil Breakers (Overture, Gerbera, Punchline, Helter Skelter, Tomboy, Buster Arm, Rawhide, Ragtime)

Time Manipulation via Ragtime

Electric Manipulation via Overture

Shockwave generation via Gerbera

Vanessa: Being part demon and son of a powerful one means Nero's physical capabilities are beyond that of mere human, having enhanced strength, the ability to heal and is proficient with his sword and gun Red Queen and Blue Rose respectively. Red Queen is a anti-demon sword that can cut most demons down to sizes. Blue Rose has an under and over barrel that can fire two shots though not simultaneously, the top can deliver armor piercing shots whereas the under deals the most damage. But his deadliest is his Devil Bringer arm.

Adam: The Devil Bringer can absorb items like Yamato and Evil Legacy and is usually in the form of a spectral arm. It's even tough enough to take hits from Dante's Rebellion and this is the same sword that block attacks from Yamato, a powerful Devil Arm that can create portals and is said to be so sharp that it can cut through "anything it touches".

Popup: Nero briefly possessed Yamato in Devil May Cry 4. However, after Vergil took the Devil Bringer arm from Nero in Devil May Cry 5, he can no longer use it.

Randy: That was until it was stolen from him by his own father Vergil. Father of the year right there people. Not to worry, Nico gave him several robotic arms called Devil Breakers, which are gained after defeating certain demons. Each one has their own unique abilities such as electrical powers, used as a whip, slowing down time and even let Nero fly. The only catch though is they're easily breakable when enough force is dealt.

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