Spinosaurus prowls the water in Isla Sorna for a DEATH BATTLE

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(Spinosaurus Confrontation - (Jurassic Park 3 Complete Score))

Adam: When the divorced Paul and Amanda Kirby's son Eric and Amanda's boyfriend Ben Hildebrand went missing after parasailing through the waters of Isla Sorna and their government refused to help, they deceived Dr. Alan Grant, a paleontologist who witness the collapse of the original Jurassic Park in Isla Nublar, into giving them an illegal aerial tour in Sorna after Paul planned to fund Grant's velociraptor research which he reluctantly accepted.

Randy: Of course it was all a lie when Paul wants them to land which hired mercenary Cooper knocks outs a protesting Grant as it was really a search and rescue effort for Eric. But things took a turn for the worse when they were attacked by a sailed theropod which killed Cooper and Nash. Turns out it was a Spinosaurus, something that Grant and his assistant Billy Brennan weren't aware of being in InGen's list.

Adam: And one that was determined to kill them at all costs until it was driven away by fire. But this wasn't the end as Kash D. Langford managed to relocated the Spinosaurus in the Mantah Corp Island to see how long it can survive the harsh heat of the desert biome, just in time to encounter Darius Bowman and other campers who escaped Isla Nublar following the events of Jurassic World.


Long arms


Superhuman strength, speed and durability

Superhuman stamina


Long snout

Adam: Now to be clear, Spinosaurus' size, appearance and diet have differed over the years with each discovery, going from bipedal to quadrupedal and back, as well as being a land predator to semi-aquatic to full-on water hunter. However, since Jurassic Park III was made with very limited knowledge of Spinosaurus at the time, and Camp Cretaceous still using the same structure even after years of new research, we're going with the Jurassic Park version.

Randy: Jurassic Park's Spinosaurus is 100% pure carnivore standing at 20 ft tall, 43.8 ft long and weighing 10 tons in Camp Cretaceous, as well as going up to 27 mph. In addition to having a long snout filled with sharp teeth design to grab unto prey, he's also got long arms to reach and tear apart an unfortunate victim with those huge claws and a a sturdy tail to slam into anyone stupid enough to get in its way. Oh and he's also a great swimmer.

Adam: And while he's mostly seen on walking on two legs, the Spinosaurus can crawl on all fours if it needed to. And a high tolerance to heat after being transferred in desert biome.


Fought and killed a young bull T-Rex

Ripped through part of a plane

Killed numerous men

Snapped the T-Rex's neck and then tossed its dead body to the ground

Charged through a steel fence

More built for speed and faster than a T-rex (According to the movie's SFX crew)

Burst through a wall

Grabbed the BRAD-X in its jaws, smashed it to the ground and stomped on it

Took a direct bite to the neck from the T-Rex and received only skin deep injuries

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