Darth Vader is Most Impressive on DEATH BATTLE

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(The Imperial March (Darth Vader's Theme - Star Wars)

Vanessa: A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, the Galactic Empire, led by the evil mastermind Darth Sidious, ruled over everything when Sidious orchestrated major events that led to the Jedi's demise and the fall of the Galactic Republic. And one of those responsible for killing hundreds of Jedis was Palpatine's apprentice, Darth Vader.

Sara: But before he became the Dark Lord of the Sith, Vader was simply known as Anakin Skywalker, a slave from the planet Tatooine who longs for his freedom and his fellow slaves. Then one day, everything changed when Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn arrived and was discovered that Anakin is the Chosen One, a person destined to bring balance to the Force.

Vanessa: Buuut after Qui-Gon's death at the hands Darth Maul, his other student, Obi-Wan Kenobi, took the the mantle to train Anakin in the ways of the Jedi. Despite them having a rocky start, since Anakin preferred Qui-Gon over Obi, the two got along very well and led many battles together. However, when Anakin was denied the rank of Jedi Master because he wasn't properly trained, coupled with some anger issues, he would soon stray from the path.

Sara: Apparently becoming a Jedi means forsaking everyone they had loved, which Anakin didn't liked. After losing his mother just after reuniting with her, Ahsoka being expelled from the Jeid Order after being framed for a crime she didn't commit and receiving a vision that Padme would die giving birth to their children, Anakin succumbs to the Dark Side of the Force and turns to Chancellor Palpatine, who is actually the Sith Lord Darth Sidious.

Vanessa: After becoming a Sith, Anakin would lead a battalion to kill the Jedis in the temple after Sidious initiates Order 66. However, after confronting Padme and Obi-Wan in Mustafar, the two former friends would battle it out, with Obi-Wan leaving Anakin to burn in lava with three limbs separated. However, Sidious would rescue his apprentice and took him back where he was rebuilt and remade into the more famous and deadly Sith we know today, Darth Vader.

Darth Vader

Jedi and Sith training

Dual-phased red Lightsaber (Can change length, as well as being powered by anger and pain)

Form III (Soresu) (Emphasizes defense & deflection)

Form IV (Ataru) (Emphasizes offense & speed)

Form V (Shien & Djem So) (Emphasizes counterattacks & strength)

Force abilities


Enhanced senses

Mental probing

Mind control


Sith alchemy

Matter Control





Dark Armor

Force Choke

Force Scream

Force Crush

Force Kill

Force Deflection

Force Healing


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