Indominus Rex camouflages for a DEATH BATTLE

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(Indominus Wrecks - Michael Giacchino)

Shadow: In the year 2005, John Hammond's dream was finally realized. A theme park, by the name of Jurassic World, was made to teach the children of the world about the wonders of dinosaurs, albeit not very accurately. During 2012, however, the public was growing tired of dinosaurs. Seeing a T-Rex was like seeing a lion in a zoo, the same thing everyday.

Adam: So the marketing team at Jurassic World wanted something bigger, better, something with more teeth. They enlisted expert geneticist, Henry Wu, to create the Indominus Rex.

Randy: And you can bet your ass he went crazy with what he wanted to add to the I-Rex. With the DNA of every known dinosaur and animal, Wu knew what to do.

Indominus Rex



Teeth & Claws

Thermal vision

Cross-species communication

Adjustable Body Temperature


Roar (140-160 DB's)

Sense of Smell

Opposable thumbs

While its genetic template is of a Tyrannosaurus, its DNA is made up of multiple creatures including Velociraptors, Carnotaurus, Majungasaurus, Rugops, Giganotosaurus, Therizinosaurus, tropical frogs, cuttlefishs, and snakes

Adam: Being a genetically made dinosaur means Indominus possess the traits of many dinosaurs and more, but its base design is that of a T-Rex. Possessing traits to the dinosaur king, but amplified by the genes of other creatures.

Randy: The DNA of Therizinosaurus and Giganotosaurus makes her possess large arms with deadly claws. Raptor DNA makes her extremely smart, snake DNA grants thermal vision, it can camouflage with cuttlefish DNA. Oh, and she can alter her body temperature with tree fog DNA.


Survived a T-Rex Bite which was 6-7 tonnes of pressure and proceeded to overpower it

Convinced Blue and her sisters to turn on Owen and the rest of the InGen mercenaries

Survived the blast of an RPG-Round (It wasn't a direct hit, and she still fell to the ground)

Dispatched the APC, which were made up of highly trained soldiers meant to contain highly dangerous dinosaurs, with relative ease

Shrugged off shotgun blasts to the face multiple times

Claws pierced and even bit through the bullet proof glass of a gyrosphere

Survived being clawed by multiple Velociraptors

Smashes through glass, brick and steel

Scares away the hyper aggressive Pteranodons from their enclosures

Can throw 2-3 ton vehicles and flip a 4 ton dinosaur off the ground

Killed her sister

Killed raptors Echo and Delta

Nearly killed a T-Rex

Is smart enough to remove her own tracking device

Killed Apatosaurus, Ankylosaurus and other dinosaurs with relative ease (Shrugged off a hit by the clubbed tail of an Ankylosaur, which paleontologist theorize is powerful enough to smash the legs of a T. Rex)

Is an expert at confusing her victims

Took a beating from a T. Rex and Raptor that sent her into several buildings and even had a metal pole speared into her at one point and she got right back up ready to fight

Shadow: The Indominus i is considered among the dinosaurs in Jurassic World. It's capable of slaying sauropods like Apatosaurus, tanked an RPG at close range and and take a direct hit to the face by an Ankylosaurus and keep fighting. That's no laughing matter since the tail of an Ankylosaurus can crush bone with a single swing.

Randy: She tricked Claire and Owen into thinking she escaped when in reality she only camouflaged and lower her body heat into making them open the gates. She nearly destroyed an entire team capable of handling dangerous dinosaurs and killed the velociraptors Echo and Delta. And before that she convinced the Raptors to turn on Owen and the others thanks to being part raptor herself.

Speaking of T-Rex, Indominus was able to overpower and nearly kill Rexy, an old Tyrannosaurus. T-Rex has one of the strongest bite force of any dinosaur weighing at around 6-7 tons. And she can take several of Rexy's bite no problem.


She's still just a dinosaur

Her dominance over the raptors didn't last long, as Owen regained their trust turning them against her

Didn't kill Owen despite having thermal vision, meaning being covered in oil to cover his scent would be redundant

Was ultimately killed by the Mosasaur

Her size can make her an easy target

A huge sadist and psychopath

Attacks anything, even something that would most likely kill her

Took months of prep time to escape and claw out her tracking device, even though she had plenty of opportunities

Although she can camouflages herself, she cannot hide her scent against other dinosaurs or opponents with a keen sense of smell

Randy: But you'd be very wrong to think it's the most perfect hybrid. She's still a dinosaur and her durability has limits. Indominus is also a psychopath due to being isolated all her life which has resulted in her being doubled teamed by Rexy and Blue who were able to deal damage to her.

Shadow: She also doesn't seem to think some of her actions through. Such as when she bit through the Gyrosphere which can withstand 50-calibur bullet but failed to notice another exit that Zack and Gray were able to escape from. And despite having thermal vision, the Indominus SOMEHOW couldn't detect Own when he covered himself in oil when she had thermal vision.

Randy: Talk about plot induce stupidity.

Adam: Ultimately Indominus was killed during her fight with Rexy and Blue, the fences from the Lagoon broke which allowed the Mosasaur to drag her to her inevitable death. But one thing remains, Indominus is one of the most dangerous dinosaur hybrids ever created by Dr. Wu.


Captain_Valkyrie's DEATH BATTLE ResearchDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora