Thanos is Inevitable for DEATH BATTLE

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(Thanos - Marvel Super Heroes OST)

Adam: In the Marvel universe, there are an evolutionary offshoot of humanity that possess great power and nigh-infinite lifespans. But even among them one stands out who is the most unique and powerful than all of them: The Mad Titan Thanos.

Shadow: Thanos is a literal god among gods. Though born to the Eternals Mentor and Sui-San on the planet Titan, Thanos's monstrous appearance is due to possessing the genes from another evolutionary offshoot of humanity. The deformities known as Deviants.

Adam: The Deviant gene provide Thanos with his physical abilities far surpassing that of other Titans, but it also made him an outcast. But we know that outcasting someone because of their differences can have nasty consequences.

Shadow: In Thanos's case, having underwent bionic augmentation, he developed a fascination with nihilism and Death, whose female embodiment he fell in love with to the point of committing several atrocities that include nearly wiping out the Titanian Eternals.

Adam: Thus Thanos became one of the universe's most dangerous threats.


Titanian Eternal Physiology


Regenerative healing factor

Energy Manipulation and Projection

Matter Manipulation and Control

Mystic Capabilities and Knowledge

Limited Unarmed Combat Skills



Infinity Gauntlet (Space Gem, Time Gem, Soul Gem, Power Gem, Reality Gem, Mind Gem)

Stasis Rifle

Cosmic Cube

Robotic Drones

Space Throne




Shadow: Given his Eternal, Thanos is essentially immortal as long as his body is not completely destroyed. Thanos's Deviant genes also give him the strength to go toe-to-toe with the likes of Hulk, the Silver Surfer, Drax the Destroyer, and even the Asgardian Odin.

Adam: Thanos's reflexes allow him to rapidly react to his opponent's attack and that goes hand-in-hand with god-like stamina that allows him to go centuries without nourishment. He's also a highly skilled warfare tactician and master manipulator. Whenever he acts through fear or the promise of giving them their darkest desires, Thanos used the Red Skull, Loki and Ronan the Accuser to do his dirty work in setting up his master plans.

Shadow: In addition to drones and ships, he has several weapons at his disposal. This throne can travel FTL, travel to dimension, fire energy blasts and generate a powerful forcefield. He also possesses a Cosmic Cube, which controls matter and energy. It is essentially a reality warping "wish-granting" device if you will.

Adam: But that all pales in comparison to his iconic weapon; the Infinity Gauntlet, one of the most powerful weapons in the Marvel Multiverse. Empowered by six Infinity Gems, it is one of the most powerful weapons in the Marvel Multiverse.

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