Godzilla is hailed the King of DEATH BATTLE

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(Godzilla's Theme - (King of the Monsters Suite))

Ziana: The year was 1954, less than a decade after the US dropped two atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki near the end of World War 2, forcing Japan to surrender. But in exchange, the nuclear age had began between the US and the USSR. But in the midst of testing of their hydrogen bombs in the Pacific Ocean, one of these woke an ancient beast from the depths, Godzilla.

Kira: Understandably pissed at being woken up AND being mutated by nuclear energy, Godzilla made his way to the nearest country, which unfortunately happens to be Japan and began wreaking havoc across Tokyo. No weapon could even come close to harming this Kaiju. That is until Dr. Serizawa invented the Oxygen Destroyer and sacrificed himself to kill Godzilla. But we all know how that went as another Godzilla appeared years later.

Zen: Though given appearances in movies and comics throughout the years, Godzilla's morality changes from time to time. Ranging from a benevolent Earth Guardian to its malevolent destroyer. Oh, and he technically has two sons, Godzilla Junior and Mi-

Ziana: *Pulls on Zen's ear hard* No. No! NO! We're not talking about that abomination!

Zen: *Yelps in pain* Ow, ow ow!


Godly Strength

Super Durability

Energy Projection

G-Cell Regeneration

Somehow has knowledge over Judo & Boxing

Phased-array Radar (Can release Atomic Rays from his dorsal plates/spine)

Sub-Atomic level healing (Shin Godzilla)

Environment Adaptation (in Shin Godzilla)

Magnetic Attraction

Energy Conduction

Radiation Absorption

Claws, Teeth and Tail

Can "fly" with his breath attack

Atomic Breath

Red Spiral Ray

Super Red Spiral Ray (As Burning Godzilla)

Nuclear Pulse

Fire Breath Attack (As Super Godzilla)

Super Breath Attack (As Super Godzilla)

Energy Tail Attack (As Super Godzilla)

Nova Beam (As Super Godzilla)

Burning Godzilla

Super Godzilla

Zen: *Rubbing her sore ear* Aaanyways. As a creature mutated from nuclear radiation, it's no surprise Godzilla can weaponize such energy. Mostly famous in the form of his Atomic Breath, a breath attack which fires an energy beam made of radiation. But should Godzilla be outnumbered or restrained up close, he can blast them back with a short-ranged Nuclear Pulse.

Ziana: Godzilla also somehow knows martial arts and even perform gravity-defying dropkicks and "fly" with his Atomic Breath. Don't ask us. And while he is technically vulnerable to man-made electricity, he has shown to be able to draw natural lightning upon him and turn himself into a living magnet. And on the occasion he is hurt, his absurd healing factor can repair any damage taken.

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