Raiden Mei Thunders Over DEATH BATTLE

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(Honkai World Diva - Mika Kobayashi)

Vanessa: Despite living in the world of ravaged by the Honkai, losing her mother at a young age and undergoing therapy for 3 years after getting kidnapped by a terrorist organization, Raiden Mei lived a good life as the daughter of ME Corp CEO Ryoma. Being an heiress meant Mei had everything on a silver platter: servants making her food, had a lot of friends and admirers at school, and even took kendo lessons. Mei basically had it all.

Adam: Until Anti-Entropy member Cocolia framed her father for embezzlement, which to his arrest in 2013 and possible demise and Cocolia took over the corporation as a result. Because of this, Mei as ostracized by everyone else due to her status as a "criminal's daughter" which led to her being an outcast. Mei realized they only cared because of her status and not who she is. This bullying continued until a voice in her promised power. This is actually related to her stigmata which had been sealed. And so Raiden Mei became the Herrscher of Thunder, igniting the 2014 Third Eruption in Nagazora, killing millions in the process.

Shadow: But she would be stopped by one girl, Kiana Kaslana, who met Mei at one point and even defended her from her tormentors. After a long battle, Mei was horrified by what she's done and tried to commit suicide by jumping off the roof, but Kiana grabbed her hand and saved Mei's life. This action brough Mei's human conscience back and they quickly became best friends.

Adam: Together with Bronya Zaychik, who unknown to them was tasked of capturing Mei, they fled Nagazora and was found by Himeko Murata and enrolled into St. Freya Academy by the principal Theresa Apocalypse to become Valkyries, superhuman defenders who defend the world from the threat of the Honkai.

Raiden Mei

Skilled Swordsmanship

High resistance to Honkai energy

Near-limitless Honkai energy reserves (In her Herrscher forms)

Gem of Conquest

Authority of Conquest

Authority of Origin

Various katanas (Nue of the Shadow, Seven Thunders of Retribution: Narukami, Domain of Sanction, Domain of Unity)

Time Fracture (Slows down time upon dodging correctly)

Immunity to Time Manipulation

Thunder Manipulation

Spatial Manipulation

Fate Manipulation

Battlesuits (Crimson Impulse, Valkyrie Bladestrike, Striker Fulminata, Danzai Spectramancer, Herrscher of Thunder and Herrscher of Origin)

Can summon Kurikara (As Herrscher of Thunder)

Adam: Thanks to her kendo lessons with Mr. HOMU, who is actually Ryoma in disguise, Mei became extremely skilled in all things katana and blade, possess superhuman strength, speed and durability and has control over lightning. And due to females having more significant roles in the Honkaiverse, Mei is able to both utilize Honkai energy and possess high resistance to it. She also has battlesuits and stigmatas to choose from which upgrades certain skills or give her new abilities overall.

Popup: Most Valkyries can utilize Time Fracture, which allows them to slow down time if they timed their dodging correctly and launch a counterattack. Mei should be capable of doing the same.

Captain_Valkyrie's DEATH BATTLE ResearchKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat