Chapter 26

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Third Person POV

Yibo woke up feeling numbness and soreness in his legs and body.

As he opened his eyes, he winced from the pain that surged through his body when he attempted to move.

He whispered in discomfort and let out a soft curse, gradually recalling the events that transpired.

The Desafío, their plan, the car crash, and his loss of consciousness on the ground.

He let out a deep sigh and looked around the entire white room. It was empty except for him, and he immediately felt a sense of relief.

He's all alone. Where is his caro? Is he alright? Is he back home? Is he safe? Have his wounds been treated?

Worry engulfed his entire being, making him unable to rest while lying down.

He longed to see Yibo, but his foot was casted, rendering him immobile.

Shit! Where is Yubin anyway?

As if on cue, Yubin entered the room.

"Hey, your Highness," he greeted Yibo upon seeing that he was awake. "How are you? Is your foot hurting too much?"

Instead of answering Yubin, he immediately asked, "Where's Zhan? Where is he? Is he alright? Have his wounds been treated? Has he returned to the mansion?"

"You should be more concerned about yourself," Yubin tsked. "The car crashed, in case you forgot."

"I know, but I don't care about myself," his eyes spoke, "I want... to know if Zhan is alright."

Yubin let out a deep sigh and crossed his arms in front of his chest. "You should care about your own safety and well-being because someone could lose their mind if anything happens to you."

His brows furrowed. "What do you mean?"

"Morgan was here earlier, extremely worried about you. He didn't care if his body was covered in bruises, as long as he saw you. So take care of yourself, Your Highness. Morgan will go nuts if something bad happened to you again. And he will kill me this time for sure."

He stared at Yubin, unable to believe what he heard. "He... he was here... earlier? Is he okay?.." He attempted to get up. "Has he been treated? I need to see him--"

"Stay still," Yubin glared at him, "and rest. You need it."

He went back to lying down, wincing slightly as he adjusted his position. "Shit..."

He bit his lower lip and looked at Yubin, "What about Giovanni? Is he okay?" He felt a sense of concern for him.

"He has a few broken bones, but he'll live," Yubin replied with a bored tone, giving him a disapproving look. "Stop worrying about other people. You should be concerned about yourself."

He disregarded Yubin's last statement. "And... Reynaldi?"

Yubin let out a heavy sigh. "He's dead."

He felt a sense of relief. "And Dimitri?"

Yubin looked away. "We'll talk about that once you're out of here-"

"But, Yubin-"

"Rest well," Yubin interrupted him, cutting off anything else he was about to say. "So that you can recover and put Morgan's mind at ease."

He adjusted his position and took a deep breath. "How's my son? Is he okay? Have you spoken to Sxien?"

"He's fine," Yubin replied, with a faint smile. "He's with Zixuan. Sxien said he misses you but he understands." Yubin shook his head, finding it hard to believe. "That kid... he's mature beyond his years."

POSSESSIVE  SERIES 2 : Inevitable Love Comeback ( Zhanyi)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora