Chapter 23

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Third Person POV

If looks could kill, Yibo would have been lying on the floor by now, pierced by the sharpness of Zhan's gaze. He wanted to make excuses, to explain himself, but he knew that Zhan was truly angry with him. It was evident in his eyes.

Ria led them to her room and left them temporarily to get their snacks. Yubin stayed in the living room to observe and keep watch.

"What are you doing here?" Zhan's voice was filled with anger. "Why didn't you listen to me?!" He shouted at Yibo. "Yibo, are you even thinking?! You are in danger here--"

"Are you thinking too?" Yibo retorted in a soft voice. "Because if you were, you wouldn't have left me in China, you would have taken me with you. I am your secret weapon, so you wouldn't have to enter Desafío Mortal."

Zhan clenched his teeth tightly while closing his eyes. "Fuck it, Yibo! Why do you think I didn't bring you here? Because of my freaking ego? Because I want to prove something? No! I didn't bring you here because I didn't want to lose you! I didn't want to hurt you! I didn't want to cause you more pain!"

"You wouldn't lose me if you win the Desafío." Yibo whispered.

Zhan was taken aback. "What do you mean? Are you saying that I could lose you if I don't win?"

Yibo nodded. "That's what your father had said."

Zhan couldn't believe his ears as he stared at Yibo. He bit his lower lip and furiously ran his hand through his hair before his intense gaze locked onto Yibo. "You talked to my father? You had a conversation with him? Why?"

"For you." Yibo answered, meeting Zhan's intense gaze. "I did it for you. It was difficult, scary, and it drained my strength, but I did it because, for me, it was the right thing to do, the right thing that you didn't want to do--"

"That was the right thing for you!" Zhan shouted at him, taking a step closer and gripping both of Yibo's arms tightly. "What if something bad happens to you? What if Dad hurts you--"

"Zhan..." Yibo tried to free himself from Zhan's grip on his arms, "you're hurting me, let go..."

"--What if Dimitri took you--"

"Zhan," Yibo winced, " it's hurt--"

"--what if something terrible happened to you? Don't you realize I would go insane if you were no longer in my life--"

"Let him go! Seriously, Alistair!" Ria's voice interrupted them, and Yibo didn't realize that she had returned.

Ria immediately approached Yibo after placing the food tray on the center table, while Zhan seemed to snap out of it and released Yibo, taking a step back. Apologetic sparks filled his eyes.

Ria gave Zhan a stern look. "How dare you do that to Isaiah?! Farris Morgan Alistair! He has been through enough already! What is happening to you, huh?"

Zhan lowered his gaze. "I'm sorry, Mom. I was just angry."

"Apologize to Isaiah." Zhan's mother pointed at Yibo. "You have no right to hurt him, remember that no matter how angry you are." She scolded Zhan, "Alright, now go apologize. I'll just bring some snacks to Yubin, that poor child. When I come back, you better have amends with him. I swear, Alistair, I'll be very mad at you." With that, Zhan's mother left them once again.

Several minutes passed in the room, the silence broken only by their breathing.

"Yibo... Cara..." Sean softly spoke.

Yibo gently rubbed his slightly swollen arm and looked at Sean. "I'm sorry for not listening to you, for being stubborn. But I didn't come here without a plan. I won't just offer myself to a Lion without having a way to fight back. I'm not foolish, Zhan. I'm not weak. I didn't come here to add to your problems. I came here to help, and that's what I'm going to do. You can't stop me."

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