Chapter 11

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Yibo's Visual (Appearance)

Third Person POV

Yibo breathed heavily, watching his son reading a book. He kept looking at the clock with each passing minute.

He last saw Sean yesterday morning and he was restless. He wanted to see the taller again especially since he had already decided what he was going to do. But how? He will not wait for Sean. He doesn't want to let the day pass without saying the truth, he will be a coward again and not tell the taller the truth anymore if that happens.

He wanted to tell this to him now when his courage was still intact.

That's why Yibo approached Zixuan, determined to do his plans. Zixuan is busy putting the dishes away. "Hey, Zixuan?"

Zixuan glanced at him and turned his attention back on the dishes he is currently dealing right now. "Hmm?"

"Ahm..." Yibo twined his hands. Feeling nervous. "Can I borrow your car?"

The man halted in putting away the dishes then his gaze focused on him, Zixuan has his scrutinizing gaze towards him now "Why? Where are you going?"

He bit his lower lip. Then sighed " I'm just going somewhere. It's important."

"How important?"

The younger male smiled. "My son's happiness depends on it."

"You're going to see his father?" Zixuan sighed heavily and shook his head when Yibo didn't answer. "I don't want to lecture you again because I know you're having a hard time too, but do you think going to him is the right thing to do?"

"The truth is? I don't know. I don't know what might happen if I tell him." He smiled simply. "But I have to try. I have been thinking about it last night. I need to try at least. Because Sxien is already growing up. He needs him. My son doesn't talk about his father, but I know he wants to see him. I'm torn between keeping it a secret or telling him the truth. But because-I learned something today and I can't forget about it."

Zixuan sighed. "Sxien's father is a good guy but a dangerous one, too. So be careful. We don't know what's on his mind or What's more important to him, is it his son or the money and power he's been wanting for so long?"

"I have to try," he said then took a deep breath. " If that is the way for my son to be happy, I will do it.. " He smiled afterwards."I'll be right back, I promise. After dinner. I'll be here."

Zixuan shook his head and took something from his pocket. It was the key to his car and then the lad handed it to him. " careful."

Yibo accepted the key and smiled at the man. "Thank you."

"Take care of my baby." The baby Zixuan was referring to his car. "When I see even the slightest scratch, you'll pay for it."

Yibo smile widened. "Yes, sir."

Zixuan just shook his head then went back to putting the dishes away. "Tss, go ahead, Leave now. Just come back soon."

He nodded happily then approached his son. He cupped his son's face to get his attention. "Baby, Niáng, is just going somewhere? I'll be quick, I'll come back after "

Sadness immediately appeared on Sxien's face. "You're really gonna come back?"

"Yes." He raised his hand as if swearing. "That's Niáng's promise."

"Okay." Sxien finally smiled and the sadness on his face disappeared. " Just come back sooner, Niáng?"

He ruffled his son's hair. "I'll buy you a lot of chocolates and that's not the only thing I'll bring back home" If it went well, he'd be coming home with Sxien's father.

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