Chapter 8

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Third Person POV

"So, he called that mother fucker." Zhan was angry while staring at the history of his phone calls. "And here I thought he was going to be real with me this time." His fist was clenched tightly. "And that mother fucker really has the guts to take him away from me? Bad move, my friend, bad move."

Zhan's jaw was still clenching because of Zixuan taking Yibo when Yubin spoke.

" Morgan, I need back up. Dimitri's house is heavily guarded. I can't get in if I'm alone and-- wait, do you understand me? Do you hear what I'm saying here? it's like what you do goes in one ear and out the other--"

Yubin stopped talking when he suddenly stood up from sitting on the recliner on the deck." I have to go."

Yubin's eyes widened and were filled with surprise." Morgan, what the hell, we don't have any more time. Maybe they'll find the prince--"

"I have to see Yibo." He put the phone in his pocket and seemed in a trance." I have to see him again--"

"Morgan!" Yubin yelled at him making Zhan turned to his cousin's used to be advisor.

" What?" He asked confused.

Yubin stared at him in disbelief."Are you listening to me?"

" What?" He repeated while his brain was busy planning how to get Yibo.

Yubin shook his head in disbelief before speaking again. "I said, I need your help to enter Dimitri's current residence."

He frowned." Find someone else to help you. I'll do something else--"

"What the hell, dude?" Yubin looked at him like he was lost his mind. Maybe he did." What's going on with you, huh? Before we left Sicily, we have a goal and a plan. Everything is set. It's planned. It's over now . , what is it? Is it because of that man? Is it because of him?"

He was stunned and speechless.

Yubin gasped loudly then shook his head in disbelief and stared at him."really, bud? That guy?" He clicked his tongue in irritation." Sean, I'll just remind you why I'm helping you, because I want to make them pay for what they have done to me and my nephew. And I will also remind you why you should not value that man. He's not worth it, okay? He's nothing.He's a hoe and what happens to bros before hoe--"

His eyes suddenly darkened at what Yubin said. His fist hit Yubin's face hard." Take back what you're saying! He's not a hoe, you fucker! He's not a hoe!" Yibo will never be like that. No!" Take it back, Yubin! Take it back!"

A few more punches hit Yubin's face while the man blocked Zhan's other punch and pushed the man away from him.

Yubin spat out the blood in his mouth, then he looked at Zhan. Then he started laughing." Bud, you have to reign that monster inside of you. reserve that for your fucking father." Spit blood again then look into his eyes." And fine, he's not a hoe, but still. You gotta remember your plan, man. Marry the prince remember? Free your mother, the wealth, revenge. That man will not help you. We have a plan, remember that."

He took a deep breath." Sorry for....punching you." He knew what he was saying but he still wanted to see the young man.

Zhan knew that he was being irrational.

"Yeah. yeah, whatever." He massaged his jaw then looked at him." Now, let's go. We need to infiltrate Dimitri's house--"

"Can it be you?"

Yubin blinked." What did you just say?"

"I need to see him."

Yubin's face couldn't be painted."Man! Are you listening to me?" His voice was angry and high." We have a plan, damn it! Actually, that is your plan and I'm just helping you--"

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