Chapter 3

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Third Person POV

Yibo uninhibitedly took off his clothes and stood naked in front of Zhan. He looked the young man in the eyes but he didn't let him see his true feelings.

"I'm ready" he coldly said and added again without emotion. "Let's fuck."

Zhan looked at him, he could read displeasure in his eyes. "Really? Sex for your freedom?"

Yes, Sex for his freedom. It wasn't a bad idea, especially if it was with Zhan, but with other men, he'd die first before giving in.

"What?" The twinkle in the man's eyes seemed to be mocking. "Cat got your tongue, Yibo?"

He faked a smile. "What can I say?" He wrapped his arms around the man's neck. " What I go home to is more important than myself."

"Is that so?" Zhan dismantled his arm that hugging his neck." I don't like you touching me. " he pushed the younger lad roughly to the bed making the younger gasp, then he seized his hands, tied them up using his belt.

"There." The young man looked down at his thighs and manhood. "Now you're ready."

He secretly swallowed when he felt his and Zhan's body getting closer due to his two hands being tied together. He was starting to feel hot, his body tingled in anticipation. He knew very well why he was still affected, but he will never show it to the older.

The older wanted sex, he'd give him sex. Nothing more, nothing less.

He wet his dry lips and looked at Zhan who he caught looking at him.

"Zhan." He whispered the young man's name softly.

The elder gulped. His eyes glimmered with lust and anger. Then the young man's gaze dropped to his slightly parted lips.

The lad was about to kiss his lips but he moved his face away from the older's lips.

"Yibo." Zhan spoke out firmly.

"I have a question first." He said looking at the older intently.

"Okay." The older took off his pants. "Ask away."

"Are you married?" He couldn't think of any other reason why the taller was in China. Zhan should be in Sicily right now, having a honeymoon with his wife. "I want the truth, Zhan."

Zhan looked deeply at him, hovering above him. "You don't deserve to know the truth, but for the sake of what we're about to do, I'm not married."

" Oh. " He immediately killed the happiness by hearing the taller's response."Okay. "

So, he wasn't married. Why? What happened?

" yes, oh." Zhan said in a sarcasm. "Can I do what I want now?"

He smiled sweetly to cover up his nervousness. "of course." He agreed before he was the first to kiss the taller who immediately responded.

There was no passion or love in their kiss, there's no emotion involved. It was passionate, the older kissed him roughly not caring if his kisses are already hurting the younger or not. Their kiss was just full of lust, hunger and desire.

Raw hunger. Raw desire and raw lust. Nothing more.

But he still resisted the kiss. He battled in the tongue-fight with the taller and biting each other's lips and sucking each other's tongues. If He is hurt, he will also return the pain the older makes him feels. Their kiss was too aggressive,causing him to feel hot. His body was slowly coming to life.

After kissing him roughly, his lips moved down to his neck. He sucked, he bit and nipped his skin. Because of the mixture of tickling and pain it causes, A drop of tears escapes from the corner of the younger's eyes but he endured the pain until the taller's lips returned to his lips, his every aggressive movements held possessiveness and taunting.

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