Chapter 20

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Third Person POV

Yibo slowly stretched his arms, his eyes gradually opening to the sight of Zhan gazing at him from the edge of the bed. A rush of anticipation flooded his veins as their eyes met, leaving Yibo unable to tear his gaze away.

"W-why?" Yibo asked nervously, a slight tremor in his voice. "Why are you staring at me like that?"

Zhan leisurely popped a cherry into his mouth, a playful smirk on his lips as he continued to maintain eye contact with Yibo.

The way he sensually placed the cherry between his lips before devouring it only further intensified Yibo's flustered state.

Feeling slightly embarrassed, Yibo tried to shift his gaze elsewhere.

"W-where's Sxien?" he inquired, attempting to redirect the conversation.

"He woke up early," Zhan responded, his eyes still fixed on Yibo. "Zixuan took him to the grocery store. They won't be back for a while."

"Oh," Yibo replied, his attention drawn back to Zhan. "Why were you staring at me like that earlier?"

Zhan shrugged nonchalantly. "I was just captivated. You're so incredibly beautiful."

Yibo's heart fluttered at the compliment. "Thank you."

Zhan gently caressed Yibo's face, his eyes brimming with affection. "When you left, I was consumed by insecurities," he confessed, his voice laced with vulnerability.

"Do you know that I learned how to cook exquisite dishes because I believed it was one of the reasons why you left me? And then, I impulsively bought a yacht, convinced that having one might lure you back to me."

"Zhan..." Yibo's voice was filled with a mix of emotions.

Taking a deep breath, Zhan continued. "I waited for you in the condo for months, desperately hoping that you would find your way back to me. Anger consumed me during that time." He paused, his smile softening. "But now, knowing everything that happened, I understand. I understand why you left, why you felt the need to distance yourself. If the roles were reversed, I would have done the same."

Yibo's heart swelled with gratitude. "Thank you."

Zhan smiled and handed Yibo a plate with three cupcakes topped with cherries. "Breakfast in bed, Cara mia. Cupcakes... your favorite. And cherry on top, your favorite fruit, although I personally don't like the taste of cherries."

Yibo raised an eyebrow. "Cherries taste delicious," he defended.

"I prefer honey," Zhan replied.

Yibo frowned. "I hate you."

Zhan let out a soft chuckle, the sound carrying a sense of playfulness. "Alright, let's have a taste test," he suggested mischievously. Without warning, Zhan lifted the top of Yibo's pajamas and delicately placed a cherry from the cupcake onto Yibo's chest.

"Zhan! What in the world are you--"

Before Yibo could finish his sentence, Zhan proceeded to drizzle a teaspoon of honey on Yibo's exposed chest. It was then that Yibo noticed the small crystal cup of honey sitting next to the plate of cupcakes. The sticky residue caused the cherry to adhere slightly to his skin.

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