Chapter 21

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Third Person POV

Yibo halted in his tracks upon hearing the voices of Zhan and Yubin conversing in the living room. He didn't want to eavesdrop, but he couldn't stop himself.

He was curious to know what they were discussing, especially if it had something to do with Desafío Mortal.

"Your father called me. He said he couldn't reach you; he wants to speak with you," Yubin said.

Yibo heard Zhan let out a deep sigh. "Why does he want to talk to me?"

"It's about the ultimatum," Yubin replied. "Seems like your father has changed his mind again."

"What now?" Zhan asked.

"I don't know. That's why he called both you and Dimitri."

"Fuck it."

"You are going, right?" Yubin seemed to be confirming.

"I know you're happy now, but until this is over, you won't be truly happy and free."

Zhan clicked his tongue. "When do we leave?"

"Tomorrow if you want."

"Okay. Tomorrow then."

Both of them fell silent after that, and Yibo decided to enter the room. When Yubin saw him, he quickly left, leaving Yibo and Zhan alone.

When Zhan saw him, he immediately smiled. "Hey, Cara mia."

He smiled back at him. "Hey."

He walked towards Zhan. "Where's Sxien?"

"He's with Janina."

"Oh." That's weird. "He went with Jane?"

"They're just upstairs, playing with the dog robots made by Zach."

"Ah." He nodded and looked at Zhan as the young man held his hand. "What?"

"I wanted us to go out." Zhan said. "That is, if you trust me enough not to let any harm come to you or for Escarial to get you."

He squeezed his hand. " Course, I trust you, Caro."

"That's good to hear." Zhan stood up and hugged him by the waist. "Shall we go?"

He raised an eyebrow. "But what about Sxien-"

"Sxien will be fine. We'll only be gone for a few hours."

"But he might look for us."

"He won't." Zhan gave him a kiss on the lips. "Come on?"

Though he was worried that their son might search for them, he eventually agreed. "Okay."

Yibo didn't protest as Zhan gently guided him out of Zachary's house and together, they headed towards the garage.

Zhan helped him into the car before taking his place in the driver's seat. As they exited Zach's house's gate, Yibo took a deep breath.

It was the first time he had stepped out of the house since they arrived there. They had been staying at Zachary's house for almost a week now.

"Where are you taking me?" he asked.

"Just wait and see." That was the only response Zhan gave, leaving him curious and uncertain.

They continued driving until Zhan parked the car on the side of the road.

"Hmm?" Yibo raised an eyebrow when he noticed that all he could see from the car were plants. "Where are we?"

Instead of answering, Zhan smiled at him and got out of the car, signaling for him to open the door. "Come on, Cara."

Baffled, Yibo stepped out of the car and accepted Zhan's outstretched hand. "Where are we?"

Without speaking, Zhan guided him towards the entrance of a garden. As they entered, Yibo stopped in his tracks, amazed by the beauty of the place.

There were various flowers scattered around, creating a picturesque view. They were inside a stunning garden. But what caught his attention the most was the circular maple-colored gazebo. It was intricately carved, adding to its aesthetic appeal.

And in the middle of it was a table for two. The table was adorned with white silk cloth and filled with delicious food and champagne.

Unable to believe his eyes, Yibo turned to Zhan, who he realized was also gazing at him. "I-is this for me?"

"Yes." Zhan smiled. "Do you like it?"

He held his chest where his heart was located and caressed it gently, "My God, caro, you're making my heart thump like crazy."

"Then we're even." Zhan leaned closer to him, planting a tender kiss on his lips and whispered, "You make my heart beat like crazy too, Cara."

He clung tightly to the edge of Zhan's shirt and gazed into the young man's eyes, trying to decipher the multitude of emotions he couldn't read.

"Zhan..." he uttered softly.

Zhan gestured towards the gazebo, not far from where they stood. "Come on."

He nodded and let Zhan guide him towards the gazebo. He sat on the chair that Zhan pulled out for him, and as Zhan sat in front of him, their eyes met, and he chuckled softly.

"This is the first time you've brought me for a romantic lunch for two," he said, laughing softly.

Zhan chuckled as well. "Forgive me, Cara. I've been preoccupied with a lot of things these past few days, that's why I didn't invite you earlier."

"I understand." Using the knife beside his plate, he sliced a small piece of grilled steak and savored it. Then, he looked at Zhan and said, "I mean, you're not the type to be overly romantic. Remember, you only took me on two romantic dinners and lunches before."

Zhan bit his lower lip and laughed at the reminder. "Yes, I remember. I hate bringing you to romantic places. When we went to the restaurant, so many men would stare at you, and I didn't like it. I wanted to be the only one who could see your beauty. And besides, I prefer spending time with you in bed."

His cheeks grew warm. "Yes, I remember. You never seem to get tired."

"Only with you, Cara."

Playfully, he rolled his eyes at Zhan. "You're just trying to butter me up."

"I'm not trying to deceive you." Zhan opened the champagne and poured it into two glasses. He looked at him and said, "I know I'm not the sweetest person, and I don't have a way with words, but I do want to keep you forever, Cara."

His heart skipped a beat. "Forever? I thought you didn't believe in forever."

POSSESSIVE  SERIES 2 : Inevitable Love Comeback ( Zhanyi)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt