Chapter 6

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Third Person POV

Yibo cupped his face as he walked towards the yacht's small kitchen and sat down on a high chair, next to the island counter. When Zhan passed Him on the top deck earlier, He wasn't surprised. He was expecting that.

And when He was left on the top deck, the conversation he heard between Zhan and Dimitri on the top deck was replaying over and over again in his mind.

Unbeknownst to the two, He was hiding by the stairs earlier. He was about to go up to the top deck to talk to Zhan when he overheard the conversation between the two.

He fought the fear that surrounded him and he listened to their conversation. And now he has confirmed his suspicion, Zhan doesn't know about his true personality. From then until now. Zhan has no idea who he is and what his worth to the man.

After all these years, he thought Zhan knew but he was wrong. Zhan has no idea. But if he knew who he was, would he take him to his father? Would he bring him back to hell?

And what was all this? They met because of some twisted fate?

He tweaked himself Then facepalm, his mind was messed up. And that's the only thing, He has a lot of thoughts and He doesn't know what to pay attention first in those.

He let out a long and loud sigh when suddenly someone placed a cup of hot coffee on the island counter, right in front of him. It was Zhan

He quickly looked up and flinched. His heart was pounding when his and Zhan's eyes met.


"Drink That." There was no emotion in his face while parting the strands of his hair that reached his face. " To warm your body. You must be cold because of the crazy thing you did earlier."

He looked down at the coffee then he looked up at Zhan again." Why are you doing this? " He asked the man." I mean, why are you being nice to me? " He remembered how he passed him on the stairs earlier ." Aren't you angry?"

"I'm still mad" His gaze on him gone intense. "I just don't want you to get cold so drink it."

He laughed lifelessly Then his eyes couldn't help but water. This was his Zhan before, the Zhan who always cared for him.

Why do they have to be like this? Why have to be Zhan? Why have to be him, to be Reynaldi Vitale's son?

He shook his head, then combed his own hair with his own hand, then sipped his coffee and spoke. "I'm just trying if I can." He said he was referring to the thing he did earlier. "I know that idea is crazy, but I still have to try. I didn't mean to anger you or anything, I just wanted to see Sxien and -" He stopped speaking when he felt the man gently caress his cheek. "Zhan.."

"Don't you ever do that again, cara mia." Zhan stared at him. "I was worried sick you know. I hate you and all but I don't want you to disappear like that again."

His heart seemed to soften when he heard it." Don't worry, I won't do it again. Just please, please. " His eyes met the taller,with pleading eyes." Please, let me go home."

He stared at him intently while still caressing his cheek then he sighed heavily. "Give me one week." Zhan said to him. " I Promise, I will bring you home. And this time, I will fulfill that promise. Just one week, Yibo. I just want to clarify some things with you and myself, and then after that I'll let you go."

One week? He couldn't help but worry. How about Sxien? How is his son? What if something happens to his son and maybe what he will think especially since the two of them have no communication.

How will he tell his son that he will be gone for one more week?

Haoxuan! He didn't memorize Haoxuan's Number that well. He wasn't sure of the right order but he could try.

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