Chapter 1

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Third Person POV

" The news we heard is true, Yibo. The wedding happened previous weeks ago, I have no news except that it is true that he is getting married. I'm not in Sicily anymore so I don't know if the marriage will go through but it's very impossible if it doesn't." Haoxuan informed him when he called him to ask what's going on with the family he's hiding.

"Is that so?" He felt a tightness in his chest but he ignored it. "Good."

"After today, no more running." Haoxuan said. "You can go back to the country you want. You can live a peaceful life without looking to see if anyone has followed or not."

He clenched his fist as he felt as if something was choking his heart at the thought that what he had heard was true.

He was married. After five years, he did find his princess.

After five years, his heart still ached.

"Yibo, are you still there?" His friend asked him when he realized that he went silent.

" Yes. " He smiled." Thank you, Haoxuan. I'll call you as soon as the plane landed. " Saying that, he turned off the call and stared out the window of the house where he lived.

He felt the ache in his heart but discarded it immediately. Nothing good will happen to him if he used his heart, he has to use his brain, he has to be practical, he has to be smart. He can't be too carefree. A Life depends on his hands, Not just his.

Yes,that family knew that he was missing, but they did not stop looking for him and followed the traces that he did not intend to leave. There were times when that family came close to finding him but they always got away. The family didn't give up until three years ago, when Princess Janina Einrach Lutzen came into the picture.

Because of that princess, there was peace in his life. The family stopped looking for him and somehow he was reassured but that was not enough for him to stop moving around the country to ensure their safety. And now that Reynaldi Vitale's son is married, his concealment will come to an end.

He took a deep breath and then walked into one of the two rooms of the simple house he was renting.

" Sxien." He called the name of his son who was busy reading a book. "Paquete de tus cosas, bebé." Pack your things, baby.

Sxien forehead knotted in confusion." ¿por qué, mamá?"Why, mama?

"Now is our flight, didn't I tell you last night?" He takes out a small suitcase and places it on top of his bed. "Alright son, help me with your things."

Sxien immediately put aside the book he was holding then helped him pack.

He smiled as he watched his son busy putting clothes in the suitcase. His heart softened as he watched Yuan. For the past five years, His son never experienced a normal youth. His son. Sxien's Childhood was filled with country hopping, running, escaping and staying in different houses in different countries.

They had no home and he was sorry for that, but it was better this way. He doesn't want to ruin his son's life because of that family. He doesn't want his son to be affected by the evilness of them.

He would die first before it happens.

"Where are we going, mom?" Sxien asked him after he finished packing.

He sat on the edge of the bed then caressed his son's cheek. "I want to return to the country where I gave birth to you." He explains

His son nodded as if he understood what he was feeling. Maybe Sxien did understand. At the age of three, Sxien already learned how to write. At four, to read. He was a smart kid for his age. And everything he teaches towards his son, everything even difficult math problems and formulas. He learned all that. That's how smart his son is.

POSSESSIVE  SERIES 2 : Inevitable Love Comeback ( Zhanyi)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang