Chapter 10

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Third Person POV

Yibo is pouting in slight frustration and dismay as he organizes the mixed up clothes inside the closet. He was alone in the House as Zixuan left and took Sxien with him. They said they were going to buy food because Zixuan was too lazy to cook and the two didn't take him with them. Zixuan reasons that the people who are looking for him might see him, they can't risk him.

He didn't know where Zixuan got the news that Dimitri was in Beijing and now was looking for him. He knew that bastard was here, but he wondered how Zixuan knew. He didn't say anything to the young man.

He needs to be cautious. He couldn't really go out and he was still annoyed.

He closed the closet then turned to face the bed and suddenly he jumped in shock to see Sean comfortably lying on the bed.

He couldn't move from where he was standing and he just looked at the older male with his arms crossed.

"Close your mouth, cara." Sean patted the bed space next to him. "Come here, be by my side."

He still couldn't move where he was from the shock he felt when he saw Sean"W-w-what are you d-doing here?" He stuttered. "H-how did you g-get in?"

Sean tapped the space next to him again. "Come here, lay next to me."


"I sneaked in," he said looking up at the younger. "I already answered, come here next to me. I want you by my side"

He blinked. "Zhan--"

"I picked the lock on the front door. Then I went up here, so now come here next to me."

He would have retorted when he saw the man's hand with traces of red color like blood. His eyebrows crossed and he quickly knelt on the bed and took Sean's hand and inspected it. Eyes now filled with worry.

"What is this?" He frowned when he asked Sean who was just watching him. "Answer me, Sean..."

He snatched the hand he was holding then hid it in his pants pocket. "It's nothing."

He shook his head and his forehead remained wrinkled. "It's not answer me--"

"If I answer you, will you be able to handle what you hear?" Zhan laughed softly when Yibo didn't respond. "You're fragile, cara mia."

Yibo's mind was filled with many questions. "What do you mean?"

He looked away. "It's nothing--"

"Don't say that!" He couldn't help raising his voice. "Whatever your answer is, I can handle it."

Zhan sighed before speaking. "When I met you, somehow, I had the need to change, and I did. I became clean for almost a year--"

"Clean from what?"

"Because of you. I focused on my business and I tried to abandon the reason why I had a lot of money." He laughed and shook his head. "I'm a bad person, Yibo, so sometimes I don't even blame you for leaving me before. Maybe when you found out my real name you were scared of me because of what I did before. I hide under the name Sean Xiao, because my real name is a lot of sins."

Confusion filled Yibo even more. What is Zhan saying? Does he have anything else to fear besides this last name Vitale?

"I'm confused, Zhan," he said then slowly lay down next to the man. "I don't understand what you're saying."

"Maybe that's better," Zhan said then laughed weakly without emotion. "It's better if you don't understand anything. I don't know but I'm afraid you'll find out the truth about me."

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