Chapter 62 - Peace Talks and Ceremonies

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~2 months later~

With the Emperor dead and the nobles burned to a crisp, Maddox merely had to spread the news of his new role in the Empire. This was easier said than done because the previous Emperor still had his other children who would surely come seek revenge if they were left to live. Not to mention that if any of the old nobles had survived the takeover, then they'd probably support the surviving heirs.

It was cruel, but they had to die. Cain himself was sent to kill off two of the princes, including the troublesome one who had raised the very dragon that attacked them nearly four years ago. Luckily that had been the only dragon in his care, otherwise, Cain wasn't sure how he'd handle a whole fleet of dragons by himself.

Currently, the two princes' heads were stowed away in boxes on the cart behind him as proof while he rode into the capital with Catalina by his side.

Behind his cart was a luxurious carriage driven by Norton. Seven of the girls whom he'd rescued from the temple were riding inside, having volunteered to return to the capital while the rest insisted on remaining in the Brooks Manor.

Passing through the city center, a crowd of people bustled about a small stage with a wooden pole. There were ropes loosely tied around a dried corpse that was more bone than flesh, with nothing but a cheap loincloth to keep it 'decent'. The previous Emperor was barely recognizable after the crowds did what they wanted to his remains. Months ago it had taken less than five minutes for them to swarm the body and steal every valuable from his body.

Maddox knew how to hold a grudge.

Many of the previously shut down shops had been reopened and repurposed into cheaper living quarters for the excess refugees who no longer had to live in tents. Cain had even heard that Maddox issued extra funds towards rebuilding the towns that Cain had burned down during the war, which he was grateful for.

He hadn't had much time to visit New Ashbury now that he was working for Maddox again. All he managed was a short visit and found that everyone was safe and sound. The dryad was slowly recovering from Andrews's magic and was nearly back to full strength. Catalina's reunion with him was cut short due to their hunt for the remaining princes, but Cain planned to remedy that soon.

Stopping in front of the palace, the new guards greeted them. These guards were wearing a new insignia. It was black and had the image of a red dragon head with a sword sticking up from the top, and a crown hanging from the handle.

The new guards escorted all seven girls and Norton inside. Maddox had asked Cain to bring as many of the girls as would come but did not explain why. He hoped he would learn today after the peace talk with Queen Eleanor.

"Wait." He stopped Catalina before they started up the stairs into the newly rebuilt palace entrance. It wasn't entirely complete and had a few scaffolds with workers still reconstructing the entrance, but they'd only had a few months to work on it so far. Soon it would be even more majestic than before.

The demon was in her human form, and dressed in a delicate royal blue dress with black lace and trim to match Cains's suit. "For what?" She asked.

Two months of scouring the land for the last two princes had been an uncertain journey, but now that they were back, he felt like he no longer needed to keep the demon in his control. Not when Thistle and Maddox's other subordinates had helped take care of the rest. There were too many people and not enough jobs. And what's more, having a demon when the Emperor himself had his army was borderline blasphemy. Cain knew he'd be suspected by others of betraying the man someday, so he had to clear things up.

"What happens if I dismiss you?" He started.

"I go to hell until you summon me back. You know this."

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