Chapter 55 - Revealing The Truth

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The morning after, Cain was just as sore as he expected. At first, he tried to rest a bit longer but forgot that with his bedroom door locked the maids would grow worried and notify Catalina. So, when he next rolled over, he found the demon in his face with a very judgmental expression.

Rather than feeling embarrassed, he tried playing it cool and only then noticed that Maddox had stayed in bed alongside him.

"I can't say I'm surprised." The demon tutted, putting her hands on her hips like an overbearing mother. "I'll let the servants know you won't be up for much activity today." She shot a warning look towards Maddox, who was completely unbothered.

Of course, the villain did try to start another round soon after the demon left, but Cain knew he was in no condition and shooed him away for the safety of his throbbing backside.

It took almost three days before he was willing to continue their escapades, and from there they may as well have been on a honeymoon. Each night they turned in early and slept in a few hours every morning. But, because of the girls, Cain didn't want to risk getting caught doing such things where they might see so he had to set ground rules for any spontaneous advances the dark-haired villain made throughout the days.

One day he was practicing sword fighting with a few of the servants in the training grounds when Maddox approached from behind, earning a startled parry as Cain swung around with his sword. Maddox nearly failed to dodge, then looked impressed. "You've gotten better."

"Who do you think has been training these men?" Cain jabbed a thumb at the servants who had helped chase off the empires forces. 

"I'll admit I've been focusing on the town's borders, so I haven't been able to take notice of your battle prowess as of late, but I do like what I see."

"Don't get any ideas." Cain waved towards the servants and appointed one of them to lead the drills as he continued his chat with the man. Catalina followed closely, hiding in his shadow and serving as a deterrent for any sultry activities.

"I was wondering if you planned on trying to contact Chalot recently?" Maddox opened as they began walking towards the garden.

"I have," Cain replied. "Unfortunately any letters we try to send to warn the queen have been shot down by archers."

"So you also believe the Emperor is planning to carry out the Prince's plan."

"He may not have been willing to before, but now that we're no longer working for him and the people's opinions have been swayed, it would be advantageous to concur a new kingdom. It would mean new supplies, new travel routes, and an inflow of money and resources. That is unless the Queen offers him some sort of substantial discount, which I doubt since she was technically winning and  has no reason to be lenient with her demands."

"You're right. She never wanted to fight, but if peace comes at the cost of her people's well-being then she won't sit idly by. Since we've been stuck here we haven't had much intel on how the negotiations are going. I'm worried."

"What do you suggest?"

"One of us may have to sneak into Chalot to get an update. Then again, if peace has been brokered then Chalot may have agreed to turn us in. It may be safer to go to the capital for information instead."

"I can-"

"No." Maddox interrupted, shifting to his more serious tone. "I know I said one of us but It's too dangerous for you, especially after what happened last time. Plus you have your people to look after, it would be best for you to stay behind."

That was very logical. Cain was the actual ruler of this new domain while Maddox was merely an honored guest. He decided that he needed to hold some sort of ceremony to make him something official in the future.

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