Chapter 8 - Shopping

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He couldn't blame Norton's look of shock when Cain handed him a sack of items to be pawned off. Then, he gave the thief a list of items to buy and promised to reward him so long as he didn't try to run off with the money.

The amount wasn't enough for Norton to throw his life away over, so Cain wasn't too worried. In the meantime, as soon as his old friend was out of sight, he tied up his horse, minus the family crest, and put on a hooded cloak.

Yes, it drew attention to himself, but at the same time, he'd rather not risk anyone recognizing him when his parents had specifically ordered the marquess to stay home.

 The first place he went was to the Memoir Capital Bank. It was one of the largest in the capital, capable of offering enormous loans to nobles so long as they presented authorized family crests. Unfortunately, Cain didn't want his account to be tied to the Duclairs, so he would have to abstain from borrowing anything. Instead, he opened an account under his alter ego's name, "Wolf Brooks" and informed them that he'd be making regular deposits soon. 

The bank teller was not convinced and eyed the hooded figure skeptically. However, Cain refused to show his face, even here. He could have gone to a bigger, more notable bank, however, the reason he decided to use this one was that he knew this particular bank had plenty of accounts held by wealthy criminals. Therefore they wouldn't push the issue of his identity too hard, so long as he could confirm he was the same person when he returned for withdrawals. 

"If no balance is found in the account by the end of the month, be warned that it'll be closed immediately. Understood?" The teller, a broomstick of a man in a brown vest, advised. 

"Of course." Cain acknowledged and left. 

 Next, he made a beeline for Fabritio Jewelers. 

This shop was the most renowned jeweler in the entire empire. The gems they used were of the purest quality and the finest cut. They only used the best craftsmen to make their wares, and even the empress herself was known to frequent the place from time to time.

Its reputation and various locations spread throughout the Empire made them the richest company, and therefore the only one that could afford what Cain was about to sell.

Naturally, he earned a few looks from a couple of customers that had been browsing, but he kept his hood up nonetheless. He could only imagine the trouble he'd get into if his family found out he'd disobeyed.

The cashier looked down her nose at the hooded figure, ready to shoo him out. Cain hid his eyes and facial cut as he smiled at her. "Greetings. I was wondering if the shop owner was in today?"

"That he is, but he's awfully busy, so if there's anything I could help with instead I'd be glad to."

"Certainly. I'm only here to get something appraised after all, though I fear that if it does turn out to be real then perhaps I shouldn't drop it on the counter for everyone to see" He moved so that his cloak shifted just enough to reveal his formal attire beneath. Normally he'd have dressed in average clothing, but since the issue with selling the stone in his past life was that no one trusted the commoner, he knew he'd have to signal in some way that he was a noble. 

"Might I see the item?" She asked a little more politely.

Cain glanced around at the other customers to make sure none of them were paying too close attention, then pulled out the gem from his chest pocket.

The woman's eyes grew wide with shock before she backed up. "Yes, of course. Let me get the owner. Please follow me." She urged him behind the counter where he was led to a small room in the back.

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