Chapter 10 - Abduction (TW)

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!!Trigger Warning for depictions of SA !!

A few peasants cast looks his way as Cain tried curling up against the wall, too weakened by the drug to move any further.

    After some time, a coach pulled up next to him and two men got out. He stared at their shoes, watching them draw near, then glanced upwards.

    They were both wearing brown Tudor hats. One man had a double chin, bulbous nose, thinning brown hair, and large ears. The other one was skinny with a sharp chin and beady eyes. Their attire included brown vests, puffy white shirts, and ratty black cloaks.

    "This him?" The smaller one asked.

    "Yeah, let's hurry up." The larger man easily hauled Cain off the ground, who jolted at the contact, but was unable to struggle as he was tossed in the back. His head thumped against the opposite door before he fell limply between the seats.

    They then climbed inside and drew the curtains so no one could see.

    From there on, the two men started talking in Thieves Tongue.

"So we're just gonna drop him off at the brothel then?" He heard the larger of the two ask.

    "Seems like a waste. Why drug him if no one's gonna use him?"

    "Ain't that why we're dropping him there?"

    "Nah. He said to dump him in the back alley beside the brothel." The scrawnier man started eyeing the drugged captive.

    Cain meanwhile found that his limbs had become completely useless, leaving the man laying on the floor at the feet of both kidnappers who sneered down at him. His head and face were hot, and his pants felt way too tight.

    When something brushed against his inner thigh, a moan betrayed him.

    "God, he's good and ready, ain't he? Don't you think we should have a bit of fun before ditching him?"

    He couldn't tell which one was talking anymore. In his current state, it was hard to tell their voices apart at all.

    "Hmmm, we could use that other drug on him so he forgets. How bout we properly tie him up first?"

    There was an awkward shuffling as a piece of cloth was wrapped around his eyes, blinding him, while his hands were similarly bound. Cain couldn't even manage a minor struggle as his over-sensitized body grew excited at the slightest touch. Even the rough way they grasped his upper arm had him biting back obscene sounds.

    "He's a looker, ain't he?" One of them said while holding his chin. "What nice clothes. I wonder if there's anything in these pockets?"

    A hand started sliding down his thighs, patting him down in search of goods. Cain's body shivered against his will, and he tried to curl up only to be forced back into a sitting position. Then the hands moved across his chest, and Cain let out a gasp.

    Why the hell was his body reacting so eagerly when he didn't want this? He'd never been drugged before but heard about the effects. He truly regretted underestimating the drug market.

    "Oho! Jackpot!" The man finally found Cain's hidden sack of lyres. He'd spent a good portion of the money on the pearl earlier, so there was only about half left, but it was still an enormous amount for these scum bags.

    "Damn, the pretty boy has some funds, ain't he? I'm sure it ain't much to him though. Being a noble and all."

    "Yeah. I'll be taking this." He heard the man shuffle and assumed he'd put it in his own pocket. Then the hands returned to his chest to unbutton his vest.

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