Chapter 9 - The Gala Disaster

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The uneasiness in his gut grew the further they walked. Eventually, it occurred to Cain that it may not be Maddox spying on him, but someone else.

Did someone from the jewelry shop see him pawn off the diamond? Perhaps this person was keen on robbing him?

He couldn't have that. Furthermore, he didn't want his new wealth traced back to the Duclair manor. He'd have to lose them somehow.

"Don't look, but I think we're being followed." He whispered to Norton, who didn't seem surprised at all. "Keep your hood up and follow me. I know where we can lose them."

The servant nodded, and suddenly, Cain broke out in a sprint. The two of them rushed down the street, cloaks billowing behind them, before diving into a nearby alleyway.

Quickly he weaved between the buildings, heading closer to the heart of the city. He knew they'd be sitting ducks if they ran for the horse. There wouldn't be enough obstacles to hide them along the way. Their best option would be a crowd.

It took some time, but eventually, the two arrived out of breath near the palace where this evening's Gala was happening. Cain had already weighed his options and decided that it was less risky to be caught by his family than it was to be caught by a potential assassin. Urging Norton along, they dove into the bushes near the side garden and removed their cloaks.

"When we go in, you'll need to keep to the walls with the other servants. I'll hide among the partygoers and hopefully we'll blend in enough to lose whoever is chasing us." He explained.

"You don't think I'll stand out with all this going on?" The servant gestured at his still-healing face.

"Only as much as I will if my family recognizes me. Just try facing the walls as much as possible. No one usually bothers the guest's servants anyways. I'll get you when I feel it's safe."

Norton sighed skeptically but obeyed. Quickly they snuck out from between the rosebushes until they were right outside the arch that lead to the guest hall. He nodded towards Norton, who tried to look like he belonged as he walked into the party.

Cain had only intended his formal clothes to be used to avoid getting turned away by the jeweler, but now it seemed they'd come in handy once again.

Straightening his back, he followed after Norton and started heading for the thickest cluster of partygoers.

There were aristocrats from all over the Empire here. Women in brightly colored, oversized dresses fanned themselves, eyeing potential partners while the men chatted among themselves, sipping wine and making jokes. Above the hall was an enormous crystal chandelier, reflecting flecks of dazzling light as servants walked around with plates of appetizers.

He searched the sea of faces in case his family was nearby, but luckily didn't spot them yet. Naturally, he wanted to head towards the food, or hide along the wall with the servants, but the point of attending today was to blend in, not stand out. So as much as he hated it, he had to awkwardly walk between the gaggles of nobles with a purposeful look so that no one would notice he was there alone.

After a good ten minutes of this, he felt ridiculous and finally stopped to find something else to do. It was too soon to think whoever had followed him had already given up, so he didn't want to leave yet. But as he glanced up at the balconies above, he spotted someone unexpected.

Wearing a crimson red tailcoat, black vest, top hat, and pinstriped pants was none other than his former boss, Maddox.

Maddox held himself with debonair grace. He had one hand on the railing as he surveyed the crowds. His black hair was tied back out of his angular face revealing a vague interest in the evening's activities.

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