Chapter 39 - Let's Get Dangerous

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It didn't take long for Cain to realize how greatly he underestimated what state his body was in. When he began to leave for home, his legs threatened to give out from under him immediately. Worse, a searing pain kept shooting up his spine, and every step he took only made it worse until he had to stop to prevent himself from spewing his stomach all over the grass.

By the time he made it to a nearby village, he was ghostly pale. However, he managed to get a room at the inn so he could properly rest a while. When he did return to the forest, he was only slightly better.

The dryad immediately appeared on the trail as the trees parted, scanning the incoming coach for Catalina. Instead, there was a nervous human driver at the helm, and an ill Cain riding in the back. The spirit had questions but did not have an opportunity to ask in the ex-marquess' current state.

At the manor, Doren and the others greeted him formally and then proceeded to scurry about when they noticed he was unwell. Cain barely made it to his room before passing out from his long journey. It was days before he awoke, with Maxine hovering over him and holding a wet rag.

Cain's thoughts were just as foggy as when Maddox had unleashed his wrath on the dragon. He wondered what kind of illness he'd come down with, and felt that having sex in dirty river water was probably to blame. Especially with how rough they'd been with each other.

A small worry prickled the back of his thoughts that Maddox may have fallen ill too, what with all those scratches on his back getting exposed and potentially infected. Then he shook his head, knowing he had no time to worry about the villain.

Maxine backed away and bowed politely when Cain sat up, still feeling a dull pain in his backside. Never again will he test his durability like that. He knew the risks and paid the price. But now he had to focus on important matters.

"Out." He ordered Maxine, who obeyed without question and went to inform the rest of the household that he was awake. Once he shook the fog from his mind, he focused his thoughts on the demon and called out. "Catalina, come!"

The shadows in his room all converged, then grew upwards until they took on the enormous woman's form, with wings outstretched and mouth open in a threatening yawn. The darkness then melted away and Catalina stretched as though she'd been napping. "Took you long enough!"

A sigh of relief had Cain holding his chest and leaning his head back. He only half believed calling the demon would work, but had worried about what he'd do if he couldn't summon her again by now. Luckily his guess was right and her power had only been drained, not destroyed.

"Sorry, I had to take some time for myself." He explained as she glanced around the room, realizing they were back at the manor. Her eyes grew excited at this revelation.

"So what happened while I was stuck in hell?"

"You were in hell?"

"Where else do you think a dismissed demon would go?"

"Right." Cain frowned. "A lot has happened. To start, we have a lot of work to do right now. Maddox and I are no longer on good terms."

"How'd that happen? I could have sworn he was trying to save you from that dragon."

"He thinks I helped lure the dragon there."

Catalina tutted. "How on earth does he think you did that?"

"I'm not sure, but it's done."

"You want to clear your name from the dragon thing?"

"No," Cain replied immediately, earning a side eye from the demon. "Let Maddox think what he wants. I don't need his approval nor do I care about his opinion. Right now I need to get serious about my business here in the empire. Therefore I have a few new jobs I need you to carry out for me."

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