Chapter 58 - I Expected A Fight

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 Getting past the empire's guards was easier than he'd thought. They were just regular knights, and in the end, were no match for Cain's strength. From there it was a quick journey to the Valley.

The last time Cain went on this trip, he had to travel on foot. He'd just been fired by Maddox and had no money or food, let alone a horse to carry him. Back then he was also fueled by desperation. He worried that the similarities might lead to the same outcome, but banished those thoughts, along with many others, when they tried to bloom in his mind.

The scroll was the only way to undo everything.

At least, that's what he was telling himself. Ultimately he didn't feel like he was as up to running a domain as he'd initially thought, not after the setbacks that kept happening back home. If he were to try and rely on his efforts alone, he could very well drag the whole town down with him.

A few days into his journey the weather shifted into an overcast sky with a thick blanket of fog. At first, it was no problem, but the longer he traveled, the harder it became to see where he was going. Even his horse grew hesitant, stopping at every sound and whinnying worriedly.

Just a little further...

Wait! That's not right. He wasn't heading for the temple this time, but the Valley. Which meant he should already be at his destination. Now the question was, how was he going to intercept the scroll's delivery if he couldn't see what was in front of him?

Cain's mind whirred as he tried to remember what it was like the last time he did this. In his previous life, the fog had only lasted a short while. He had stumbled blindly through it and once it cleared he was able to get to the temple. Sure he could wait again, but if he did it'd be too late and the scroll would already be delivered.

Once more his horse stopped, its ears pricking forward at some sound that Cain didn't hear. Then suddenly it began to buck. Cain held on as best he could, but eventually his grip slipped and he fell from the beast.

The horse skittered off into the fog, where its whinnies echoed in the distance, and Cain fumbled to his feet trying to make sense of which direction it had gone.

Water drops collected on his face as he pushed through the fog. His knees were wet from the sodden grass. Then he heard something approach him from the side.

Instinctually he raised an arm to block and was just in time to stop a robed figure from knocking him on his ass.

The blow was hard and fast, sending pain up to his shoulder as he pushed the figure off and backed away. Then another came from behind him, and he dodged.

It was an ambush.

Soon he was surrounded by five robed figures. Cain remained crouched, ready to strike, but then heard a young voice cut through. "Enough!"

The figures put down their fists and stepped back. To his right, Cain noticed a sixth one approaching. This one removed the hood that was hiding his face and revealed a shaved head with a sun-kissed brow.

Recognition flooded through Cain. This was the man who had been hovering over him in the pit!

Panic bloomed in his chest, and Cain could barely fight the urge to run for his life. These warrior monks were much stronger than he'd anticipated, and he'd lost the element of surprise thanks to the fog.

He tensed when the monk before him tilted his head, then held out his hands as though in surrender. "I mean you no harm." He said, coolly.

"Why are you attacking me?" He demanded, sure that there was no way they knew of his intent. The Valley of Unity was not off limits to the public. Only the temple was.

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