Chapter 35 - Working Overtime

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Warning: Momentary spice!

The Forest of Death was without a doubt, a very terrifying place for the common man to approach. Cain had spent a hefty sum of money just to bribe people so they would build the mansion. Therefore it was no wonder that his friend, Norton, would resist entering such a dangerous location.

Catalina had personally escorted the man through the woods, taking twice as long as the usual merchant due to the ex-thief jumping, flinching, and sometimes even screaming at the smallest noises. When he heard of the man's cowardice, he vaguely wondered if it was wise to bring him here at all. But ultimately he had no choice. The Emperor's men were hounding the servant non-stop.

Sure, disappearing during an investigation would solidify Norton's association with Cain, but no one would be able to find him at Wolf Brook's estate. It was the only place in the Empire that the army itself couldn't penetrate.

Cain stood patiently near the lobby, under the grand chandelier as the servants waited along with him. The four eldest girls, who had been learning etiquette, were also in attendance. They didn't get visitors often so this was a pretty big event for everyone.

Then again...Maybe this was too much? Norton was an ex-thief, so he might feel uncomfortable getting such special treatment...

Finally, Doren went to answer the door and Catalina walked in, wearing her human disguise so as not to scare her escort. Behind her was Norton, with nothing more than a knapsack of his belongings.

Norton's eyes scanned the room, taking in the elaborate workmanship and small line of women. Then he spotted Cain, who was fully decked out in a noble blue and white suit.

"Master Cain!" A grin spread across Norton's face as he greeted his friend, and Cain found himself returning the favor.

Then, Doren's cough caught Norton's attention as he raised a hand toward the unasked man. "I would like to formally introduce the Lord of this estate, Master Wolf Brooks."

Norton blinked, then shook his head. "I'm sorry, did you say Wolf Brooks?"

"He did." Cain clarified. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier, but as you know, I had my reasons for keeping my activities secret."

Norton's jaw was practically on the floor. Then he seemed to immediately calm down as it all sank in and he scratched his chin. "That...That makes a lot of sense now that I think about it. All those odd jobs you had me doing, sneaking out of the manor, and getting me set up with one of the hardest-to-meet lords of the Empire. I knew there had to be some kind of connection, but not this!"

Cain patted his friend on the back. "Yes, I know. Again I'm sorry I had to keep it from you, but now my actions have put you in danger so I wanted to get you out of there. If I had sent a letter and it got intercepted, things would not have gone too well. And worse...I feared if I didn't get you here fast they might have started doing more than a mere interrogation."

Norton put a hand around his throat. "Or worse. I was afraid they were going to get rid of me. They didn't believe anything I tried to tell them about your whereabouts. But god...I never imagined..."

"Come. Let's have tea." Cain had Doren escort them both to the tea room as the maids and girls bowed in their wake. Norton eyed them curiously, probably noticing how young the four girls were, but said nothing as they were made comfortable with a tray of snacks.

"So...I am Wolf Brooks. And I am planning on taking over as Duke in my brother's place."

"How, exactly? He's kind of working with the Prince now. And they both have made sure no one will side with you should you return."

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