Chapter 16 - Formal Meeting

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The Inn was located beside the road in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by farmland, where it was an intended halfway point for travelers. The two-story building was made of ironwood, with bulbous stones at the base and giant logs at the corners. The first floor served as a tavern, with round tables, stools, and a bar. Aligning the walls were various animal heads, with an enormous bear rug spread in front of the fire on the right.

To the left was a staircase that went up to the second floor. However, when he arrived, the barmaid led him to the back, behind the main tavern, into a private eating room where Maddox sat at a lone table, separated from the rest of the visitors. On the table were two bowls of soup, two plates of salad, and some cutlery.

Maddox this time was wearing a brown suit, with black boots and a vest. Cain meanwhile was wearing his usual double-sided suit, with the blue side out, and his black mask to hide his face.

The villain gestured for Cain to sit as the barmaid left the two alone, closing the wooden door tight behind her. He noticed another smaller fireplace built into the back of this room with a snarling lynx head mounted above it. The most concerning part to him was the fact that there were no windows...

"Glad you could make it." Maddox smiled, his sharp eyes observing Cain with interest. "I'd half expected you to reject my invitation."

"I couldn't help myself," Cain replied as he made himself comfortable. "The last 'test' was so much fun I thought I could go for another."

Maddox flashed his perfect teeth, a few of which Cain noticed were sharper than the rest. "I see you have moxie."

"Let's cut to the point." Cain decided he didn't want to linger too long. The amount of attention he'd gotten from his old boss was already throwing him off his game. He had to remind himself that Maddox was not his ally. No matter how uncharacteristically friendly he was behaving. "What do you want?"

The dark-haired villain took a drink of his mead, taking his time to answer as Cain tapped his finger in irritation. Then he slowly set the mug down and crossed his arms. "How did you do it?"


"Alright. How did you tame the Forest of Death?"

Cain blinked, trying to recall if Maddox ever had anything to do with that place in his past life. As far as he was aware, the man had never set foot there.

"Why?" He asked instead. "What business is it of yours?"

Maddox finally looked annoyed for once as he frowned at his answer. "I've tried to explore that land before, but found the area rather...Volatile."

"There was something in there you wanted," Cain answered for him, not willing to fall for his indirect answer. "Something I now have instead."

"That's right. You've somehow managed to acquire another thing I've had my sights set on." Maddox finally clarified. All amusement was gone from his eyes and that old menacing aura finally loomed back over him.

This was the man he'd met before. The monster that everyone in the underground feared.

"You see the problem, don't you Mr. Brooks?" Maddox tilted his head as though he were speaking to a child. "The fact that you are so quickly obtaining such things can only mean one thing."

"And what would that be?"

The man unfolded his arms and held them out. "That you and I seem to be competing for the same goal."

"Same goal?" Cain genuinely became curious at that, because Maddox had never once disclosed his ultimate plan to anyone. It was all speculation that he wanted to take over the empire, but there were other rumors that he also planned to destroy it. "Pray tell, what may that be?"

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